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Local Shave shop

Am sure everyone has heard the sad saga of my local shave shop closing down last month and moving to a new shopping district that is under construction

Today I went by on my daily walk and they have their name up on the shop. Nothing going on inside yet but I am hoping that by the first of next month their doors will once again be open.

WAHO HOO... Wish I had brought a camera to take a pic of their new shop. I don't "do" cell phones so I never have a camera with me. :sad: Maybe next time :001_smile
Is it a shop as in, sells supplies? What does it stock?

When they were at the other location they stocked

Edwin Jagger
Mason Pearson
D.R. Harris
Lucky Tiger
Truefitt & Hill
Crabtree & Evelyn
Mitchell'ss wool fat
L'occitane Cade
Taylor of Old Bond Street

I'm hoping that they stock more once they open in a larger space :001_smile
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