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Lilac vegetable by Pinaud in Australia?

Hey guys.

I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can purchase Pinaud's Lilac vegetable in Australia? or even sites that post to Australia.
eBay has some great deals but with terrible shipping prices ($26.00 shipping, not inc the purchase of the product!).

So any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Man, that top site equates to $44.50 shipped, and just for one bottle.... Better off paying the $26 shipping on eBay
I haven't used Turnley's yet, but i believe they have some retail POPs. They may also tell you to where they distribute in Perth.

I have used BE many times. Their shipping isn't cheap either, but it works out fairly good on a per item basis. Shipping alcohol is a killer. It's the price we pay for having to live at the *** end of the earth.
Very true.

I'm gonna brows around and see if I can find some places but what were you saying?
Contact the site and see if they sell to any stores around Perth?

Also do you recommend the fragrance, I've never tried it but love the mystic of the reviews. Some love it, some hate it- was pretty much sold after that.
Goodmans in Florida will ship internationally ( I asked them , but you may want to double check yourself). They have Pinaud Clubman and Osage Rub at reasonable shipping rates. I bottle of Odage Rub and Pinaud Clubman is $30.73 shipped according to the calculator on the site. I am tossing up whether to pull the trigger ( as if I need even more aftershave).



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Tunleys in Melbourne had the large bottles when I was there about a month back. Personally... I would see if you can get a sample of the Veg somewhere before you go buying a big bottle. It's not for everyone, that's for sure.

Maybe if you do an order, get some clubman or something else while you are at it to reduce postage. Then if you don't like any of it you can do a trade with someone else in WA.
Is turnleys meant to be tunleys? becuase Turnleys does have it but the shipping is an absolute killer.
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