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Like superlather, but better? Ultralather

I do like to superlather with poraso and vdh. Recently bought AOS Lemon and it is going fast. I figured I wouldnt try to superlather with it, but wanted to get a little more out of it. Enter Ultralather.

I load the brush out of the tub of AOS almost to completion and use a peanut sized amount (shelled of course, like an 8 cc amount) of poraso green. I found the mint was barely noticeable, just enough to accent the lemon and I had enough lather for 4 passes easy. I really recommend it to anyone that likes a slight menthol and a whole lot of rich lather.

Ya, IMHO, cream + cream = lather.

The point of "Superlather" is to blend the typically superior lathering abilities of creams with the typically superior lubricating abilities of soaps.
Blending two creams simply results in the same awesome lather that you would get from using more product. In this case, you've developed a personal blend of fragrances that sounds particularly appealing! :w00t:

"Uberlather" is particularly of interest to people like me with "Uberhard" water.
The general recommendation is to use only a few drops of glycerine, but I find that I get excellent results by using a couple of tablespoons, and using my finger to somewhat "dissolve" the cream before bringing in the brush loaded with soap.
By just adding small amounts of water after that, I have enough lather for 3-4 passes plus buffing, and I still end up washing down enough for a few more passes.
Do you think that different creams have different properties? Does glycerine add more "cushion" in your experience? I like the thick lather of poraso, but like the AOS cushion and slickness.
Do you think that different creams have different properties? Does glycerine add more "cushion" in your experience? I like the thick lather of poraso, but like the AOS cushion and slickness.

Oh absolutely. Just as different soaps are different, the same for creams.
The glycerine is interesting. It is hydrophilic, and can actually raise a blister if applied raw to a tongue much like salt can raise a blister, but as such, it is good for containing water and increasing the level of moisturization of the lather.
It's not so much extra "cushion" as it helps to keep the lather from drying out so quickly when the humidity is down.

When I don't face-lather in the shower, I'll bowl lather in my scuttle, and that will be an "Uberlather" mixture of MWF, Tabac, or SIM (I milled the stick into a container for brush loading), and for the cream, either SIM, GFT Sandalwood, or Al's Calypso.
Al's is a MAJOR lather bomb. It takes some work to build the lather, but this stuff is highly concentrated. A pea sized piece will produce enough lather for 4 passes... and there will still be a small spot stuck to the side of the bowl after rinsing!
I do like to superlather with poraso and vdh. Recently bought AOS Lemon and it is going fast. I figured I wouldnt try to superlather with it, but wanted to get a little more out of it. Enter Ultralather.

I load the brush out of the tub of AOS almost to completion and use a peanut sized amount (shelled of course, like an 8 cc amount) of poraso green. I found the mint was barely noticeable, just enough to accent the lemon and I had enough lather for 4 passes easy. I really recommend it to anyone that likes a slight menthol and a whole lot of rich lather.

Was both the Proraso and AOS creams ?

After reading more I now realize they are both creams :blush:

I do the same trick as you and in fact have also mixed AOS Lemon cream with new Proraso Green cream with good results.

I can also recommend mixing new red Proraso cream with AOS Sandalwood cream and DR Harris Arlington cream with new green Proraso for excellent results.

But my best mix of creams so far have been to mix Musgo Real cream with Specik cream - the lanolin in Musgo Real and glycerin in both does wonders for the quality of the lather and the slickness and smoothness of the shave :w00t:

I ONLY use cream and these mixes have all been given me excellent results:

1. Castle Forbes Lime mixed with Penhaligon Blenheims Bouquet
2. Castle Forbes Lavender mixed with Penhaligon Endymion
3. Acca Kappa 1869 pot mixed with I Coloniali
4. Acqua di Parma pot mixed with Musgo Real
5. Xpec pot mixed with Erasmic tube
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