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Let's talk about - Blackheads

I have a bunch of clogged pores on my nose. I've used the apricot scrubs, to no avail. What else can I try? I think i'm going to buy some of the QED clay mask powder and the Hydrosols, but I don't think that will help unclog my pores. You guys need to help me be even prettier!
I had a similar problem because I have large pores. I mean you can park a bus in there. :laugh: I found that rubbing an alum block on my nose helped shrink the pores somewhat and alleviated the blackheads. YMMV.
Thanks for the link.

To avoid blackheads, I wash my face every night with a cleansing soap and warm water, and then use Alpha Hydrox 10% Glycolic AHA. I'd like to try a clay mask though.
Your best bet is a 20% Salicylic Acid Peel. I know it sounds scary but it's sold on Amazon for about $10 and it comes with very clear instructions. For a small area like your nose, you simply wash very well and dry it. Then use an Alcohol Free WH with a cotton ball to clean out any remaining residue. When that's dry, apply the peel (gel) as instructed. You'll probably leave it on for two to three minutes then rinse with cool water and follow with an oil-free moisturizer. For the next day or two, don't use anything with salicylic acid on the area you treated (i.e. acne face wash) and avoid prolonged sun exposure. If your skin feels OK, you can do this twice a week. I also recommend following the Peel with the Biore strips to really get all the blackheads out. Then you can moisturize. Do this a few times and you'll see a huge difference.
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There was a good link in a similar thread:
Sebaceous Filaments

For 20+ years now what I've done is just rub some hydrogen peroxide in the few spots where I have noticed this. I get the occasional blackhead but never knew what I had was SF until a dozen or so years ago - I was treating it correctly all along. I do this after brushing my teeth, right before bed.

Just dip a Q-tip in and give it a little rub on the tip of the nose from side to side and then along the bottom on the nose from side to side. If I drink a lot of coffee, I get some red bumps on my temples and they get a little attention as well. It gets itchy/tingly for about 5 minutes but then it's gone - bleaches them away in no time flat. My current h2o2 bottle expired 3-4 years ago but is still working just fine.
Going to give the oil cleanse a try tonight, since I couldn't find a clay mask product _anywhere_.

Wife was giggling at me like a little schoolgirl as I was scouring the makeup and beauty aisles looking for clay masks and shave soap at TJ Maxx...
Find a good dermatologist. They sometimes have people in the office that are trained in giving proper facials. Someone that knows what they are doing can manually take care of your problem. I had this done at a spa a few weeks ago. Sometimes there are properly trained people that have there own business outside that of a dermatologist's office. It is worth the effort to find a good one.
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