I recently acquired an injector razor with no blade in it, after fighting to get a blade inserted I proceeded to shave with it, not in the least bit uncomfortable just a terrible shave 3 passes to remove what one pass would remove with any other razor, I acquired another injector with an old blade in it and inserted a new blade in it and the blade went in much easier. It got me to wondering if I may have munged up the blade I inserted into the empty razor, so I tried inserting a new blade into it and low and behold the blade went in much easier and the razor shaved on par with any of my double edged razors, so my advice to anyone purchasing an injector razor if it has no blade in it don't shave with the first blade you insert in it, instead treat it as the blank blade that originally came with the razor install a second blade which should go in more smoothly and it should shave properly