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learning how to play guitar

i'm sure there are seasoned guitar players here so my question is, are there any decent online tutorial sites where I can learn basic rhythm guitar? I have an Epiphone acoustic sitting in the corner collecting dust that sat neglected for the past couple of years. I tried learning the basics but quickly lost interest....i'd like to get back on the proverbial horse and try it again. got any recommendations? I think I learn better by seeing and doing, as opposed to sitting in front of a Guitar 101 book
Some people pick it right up and hardly even have to think about it. Others, such as I, study for years with multiple teachers, books, videos, and other training systems, and still never learn to play worth a damn.

I understand and hear things so well that, on occasion, I have been able to correct or help professional guitarists who play a hundred times better than I. But, I cannot do what I am showing them how to do. :blushing: It is weird.

A frustrated guitar learner,
I'm totally self-taught, and I learned long before there was such a thing as the interwebs (or even DVD's for that matter). Just get a basic book to learn the chords, and then listen to a thousand million hours of music. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

Learning to play has been a lifelong goal of mine. I play trombone, very limited piano and the radio. For me, the piano playing, and I'm afraid the guitar playing, are very much like Winchester on M*A*S*H* stated about his piano playing ability.
"I can play the notes, but not the music".

I play by ear and always have, i'm unable to read music (except percussion music). My advice would be to learn some basic chords and scales.
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