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Lather Technique

All this time I thought my lather was pretty good, then I looked over the thread for lathering technique and was dissapointed in myself. Turns out my lather is somewhere in between from the pictures. When I close my hand and open again it's somewhat there yet not as good as the after picture of what it should look like. I've been trying to get there yet still end up in the same place. I usually use Proraso/TOBS, I still get an awesome shave though. I'm not sure if I'm not adding enough water/product.

Truth be told, if you're getting awesome shaves...WHO CARES???

Everyone wants to make mounds and mounds of lather flowing over their scuttles in shave bliss, but all you're really going for (I think) is a good shave. That said, what you're making sounds like its doing the job.

Now...if you're trying to win the B&B SoTD photo contest....thats a whole nuther bag o worms!

That said, if you're looking for technique tips, post more about your lathering setup in the Shave Clinic and I'm sure you'll get a ton of help!

Enjoy your shaves...
I'll agree with the mentions above. The bowl full of whipped, creamy lather sure does look nice, but is it needed? Of course not. You've stated that you're getting great shaves so there's no need to look any further. Just keep doing what you're doing. The thick, creamy lather will come as your technique improves. :biggrin: :cool: :tongue:
my best lather is usually enough for 5+ shaves. However, I only do 2-3. So is making a perfect lather really all that important?
You guys are right, I'm not really worried about it. I do get great shaves and thats what matters, just thought I'd aim for that perfect lather to try. Thanks for the words of encouragment.
Mounds of fluffy lather isn't for me. I'd rather have a smaller amount of soaking wet almost drippy lather thick with soap rather than air. Jim keeps saying use more product, and I find that's key to preventing the lather from getting full of hot air. The other part is to add water very very slowly at first and carefully work it completely into the lather before adding more, which is why it takes so long to make a good lather.

Truth be told, if you're getting awesome shaves...WHO CARES???

I agree. If using butter gives you a great shave then so be it. I use Mitchell's Wool Fat and still can't get as good a lather as say Speick, or even Tabac. But I get a decent lather but the product is magnificent and I enjoy it very much.
I wholeheartedly agree you should use what works for you.
However first master the tools, the products and the techniques that make our hobby so enjoyable. Once you can consistently make a "classic" yogurt like lather with perfect repeatability, you can certainly make it wetter or drier or looser or what-have you. My concern is that some men settle for something that is less than it can be because of a difficulty that needs to be sorted out.

Happy trails.
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