Got this today for about $25 Good / bad ?
Sep 5, 2013 #2 jrp316 Looks pretty good to me. A little bit of excessive toe wear, but nothing to fret over. Hone it up and get it shaving!
Looks pretty good to me. A little bit of excessive toe wear, but nothing to fret over. Hone it up and get it shaving!
Sep 5, 2013 #3 rider4life For $25 looks fantastic. Hone it out (or get a honemeister to) and test the shave to know for sure. Cheers, M.
For $25 looks fantastic. Hone it out (or get a honemeister to) and test the shave to know for sure. Cheers, M.
Sep 5, 2013 #4 O Oscroft Yep, Bengall razors are good - made by T.R.Cadman, Sheffield. It should hone up and shave very nicely.
Yep, Bengall razors are good - made by T.R.Cadman, Sheffield. It should hone up and shave very nicely.
Sep 5, 2013 #5 silver I think you did fine for $25. As everyone else has said, its good steel and should hone up well.
Sep 5, 2013 #6 totorlekiller What are the scales made of? It is hard to tell from the picture. as for the quality I heard once from someone that is best shave ever was from a Bengal. That got me curious and got one too, but I have yet to make it shave ready...
What are the scales made of? It is hard to tell from the picture. as for the quality I heard once from someone that is best shave ever was from a Bengal. That got me curious and got one too, but I have yet to make it shave ready...
Sep 6, 2013 #7 Gamma Nice pick up - congrats! Bengalls are great razors - that will hone up well and it'll serve you very well I'm sure.
Nice pick up - congrats! Bengalls are great razors - that will hone up well and it'll serve you very well I'm sure.