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lapping my norton

Any suggestions on how to flatten my Norton 4000/8000 stone while overseas? I don't have a lot of resources available to me, mostly wood and sandpaper. I read about the D8C but im trying not to get anything more shipped to me. Any help would be great, thanks.
You can use sandpaper to flatten your Norton stones, many including myself do. You will need something flat to back the sane paper, A piece of THICK glass or a cutout from a granite counter top, something like that. Some go as far as getting a granite surface plate that is machined to a very close tolerance. You might be able to get away with a stone tile, marble or the like, something that has been machined / ground flat, not a ceramic tile that has been fired. I have been using a thick piece of glass. I started by gluing the sandpaper down with a spray adhesive, but have found that if I wet both sides of the sandpaper with water that it will stick to the glass well enough with only the surface tension of the water.

For a 4000 / 8000 stone you might try silicon carbide wet or dry sand paper somewhere in the 400 grit range.
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