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La toja

Last one I got was no tallow. Still a great product though.

There are many great shave soaps that are non tallow and the La Toja Shave Stick is one. Just give it a try and I think you will be more than impressed. I shave with tallow and non tallow soaps, and creams from RazoRock Fresco, XXX, Cumba Cheech, Don Marco, and La Toja being the non tallow to using Tallow soaps and creams like Mike's Natural Shave Soap, Mystic Water Shave Stick, QCS Shave Cream, Arko stick, Palmolive and Speick shave sticks. Don't let the ingredients be your guide, judge only by their performance.


B&B's Man in Italy
The vintage stick was tallow based, the current one has a vegetable (and fantastic) formula.
La Toja has a nice unique scent to it, gives a good shave, and the sticks are affordable too. I like the design of the container too, it has a handy cap to store it away when not in use.
La Toja is amazing, my girlfriend got me 2 of them on her trip to Barcelona. They are amazing! For me better than Tabac stick
I'm just back from Barcelona with a stick of the soap, a tube of the cream and a bottle of the Aftershave balm. I've not used the soap or the cream yet but the balm is good. All three have a nice smell, reckon I might have to crack open the stick tomorrow.
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