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Kropp restore in resin scales

Here is a Kropp just over 6/8 which was in pretty rough condition - there is some minor residual pitting on the spine area. The agents name is still very visible on the blade. I shaved with it last night and it is very comfortable.
I thought I'd try something different for the scales so I used a piece of swirly resin with acrylic spacer, copper pins and brass washers.
It's the first time I've used resin and I'm pleased with the finish.





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Very nice. I'm loving the copper pins...anybody know if there are copper washers to be had?

The resin is cool too, great job!
Very nice. Like to see a close up of the edge at the toe, and I am wondering about the long-term effects of water on copper. Doesn't water turn copper blue-green?
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Looks great, and far beyond anything I could do, but the toe pin looks just a touch too high.

You're right. I normally use rod for pins but I could only get copper in rivet shapes so I filed the head down - but obviously not enough.

Very nice. Like to see a close up of the edge at the toe, and I am wondering about the long-term effects of water on copper. Doesn't water turn copper blue-green?

Copper (like brass) will tarnish, but a regular wipe keeps the problem at bay. Also a wipe over with something like autosol keeps both the scales and pins/washers in bright condition.
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