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Knot Question

Are 13mm badger knots available? I have this...


...and unfortunately, the brush has nylon bristles. They aren't pleasant. I used calibers to measure it and they read 13mm. I fond a 14 mm knot at blankity-blanks, but haven't had any luck with 13mm. Any sources? I'm considering getting a 14mm knot and giving it a try, but wanted to check here first.

I looked at Golden Nib, but nothing that small, I think 18mm is the smallest they have. Doesn't look like you have very thick walls on the brush handle or you could drill a mm or 2.
Only thing you are going to find that small is a make-up brush you could swipe the head (I won't say knot since its nylon) from. And since that one already has a nice nylon head...
I'd suggest looking for an Eco-tools makeup brush. They have synthetic hair, but are super soft. They come in various sizes and are dirt cheap at places like Bed Bath and Beyond. Here's a linky so you can see what the company offers.
Thanks for the replies. I was afraid I'd be out of luck. The Eco Tools do look promising though.

Sorry it took a bit to come back. I went and got sick.

You could e-mail a brush maker and see if they could custom-stuff a knot for you. I'd imagine that Bernd at Shavemac might be willing. It wouldn't be quite as cheap as buying a knot stock, but it'd be a cool project.
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