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Kind of an odd request

I see there are almond scented soaps, as well as soaps scented as different woods, has anyone seen any soaps scented like acorns? The reason I ask is for when I go bow hunting, I can get unscented creams or soaps for use while hunting, but thought if there were acorn scented soaps available, I may give them a try.
Semogue and Omegas boar brushes are so cheap, you don't need to hunt down boars and allure them with acorns scent!
:lol: these guys^^

Look through Mama Bears Soaps. She always has some scents that are rather odd and might have what your looking for. Her scents are spot on and smell really great too.
The replies did make me wonder how deer hair may work in a brush. Thanks, I have been been considering giving mama bear soaps a try.
Great idea but I haven't known acorns to have much of a scent. My grandfather ate the cores (nuts? seeds?) of acorns, though. Maybe some scent that mimics the taste of acorns if that is possible.
It would be more for midweek hunts after work. It's blasphemous to shave when I'm at a cabin, either hunting or fishing.
Careful now, the Game and Fish people take a dim view of hunting over bait. As far as a deer hair brush goes, who can say for sure, but I suspect it would be just a tad scritchy. I do know that deer hair can be made into some very effective trout flies.
so you would be shaving after work and then going hunting??? Otherwise, if the shave is in the morning, then the scent will have long since dissipated by the time you get into the woods to be an effective scent-mask of any kind.
You might be better off shaving before you shower or washing your face with Wildlife Research Center Scent Killer Gold bodywash/shampoo or soap bar. It's a great hunting soap that I used just this year.

Also if you get a can of Buck Bomb to spray in your hunting area the deer won't smell you much anyway lol I think it even comes in an acorn scent. I sprayed some last month and within 10min I had a buck about 20 yards away snorting and grunting at me because he didn't know what I was when he came over to the Buck Bomb. Of course I was still setting up and it was to dark to even see him yet so I couldn't do much.
Are you trying to blend in with the forest, or are you afraid of attracting a randy deer.

PS Do acorns have a scent? You could try eucalyptus - deers love eucalyptus.
You could always melt down some VDH luxury unscented, and put some doe urine (or any other scent you fancy) into it. :lol:

Get some acorns (or other native plant matter from the area you hunt) and let them soak in everclear for a while and use that as an additive or a base for aftershave.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
You could always melt down some VDH luxury unscented, and put some doe urine (or any other scent you fancy) into it. :lol:

Get some acorns (or other native plant matter from the area you hunt) and let them soak in everclear for a while and use that as an additive or a base for aftershave.
Maybe use some tarsal gland extract as a pre-shave oil?
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