Kiehl's has rereleased its shavng cream for the brush. It is $16.50 for a 4.2 ounce tub. I am pretty sure that is a rip-off, but they are currently running a promotion where you can bring three empty Kiehl's products in and receive a free item of your choice. I had three empties (I use their brushless cream for travel and their Ultimate Face Moisturizer with SPF15 everyday. It's an amazing, light moisturizer.), so I traded them in for this stuff. I haven't shaved with it yet, I will do so tomorrow. However, I will say that I haven't added water, but the smell of the cream is clearly hinted with menthol and lavender. I know people have issues with menthol, so I thought I would mention it. I will shave with it tomorrow and let you know. The other cream that I use is Tom's of Maine.