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Keith's Straight Razor Odyssey

Straight Razor check-in, 09/11/2016

Straight Wester Brothers Mono, stropped 30/60 pre, 30 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso Green
SOTD: John Varvatos Vintage

It was a weekend of car shows; Old car festival at Greenfield Village on Saturday, and Battle of the Brits at Camp Dearborn today. Old Car Festival features vehicles older than 1933 and it's the longest running car show in America. It really is a great show and offers a great opportunity to get up close and personal with priceless and interesting vehicles and their owners. Battle of the Brits is a British car and all-makes motorcycle show and is always fun. We show our 1972 Mini and get to hang out with friends who also have a strange fondness for Anglo cars.

I had skipped shaving yesterday and today's shave was much needed. I stropped the WB and set about my typical 2-pass WTG/ATG regimen. I think that the WB is due for a refresh as it's really starting to pull. Despite the drag, the razor was able to produce DFS results on my cheeks. My mustache and chin areas were slightly worse, but no one would have known unless they had grabbed m mug. I shook out a moderate amount of Proraso AS and applied it to my face with a smile. Off to prep the car and head out.

The weather was perfect, the cars and bikes were amazing and we got to catch up with friends.The Mini took second place in class and that was a pleasant surprise. Too bad that the Triumph Club of Detroit has decided that this year's show will be the last. They said that it's just too much work for the small group of volunteers who have been doing it for 18 years. Maybe another club will pick up the torch?

Next Sunday is the Orphan Car Show in Ypsilanti. We'll have our International Harvester in that show again this year. That's another fun event that features marques that have been out of production for at least 25 years. This year's featured maker will be Tucker. Should be fun . . . !
Straight Razor check-in, 09/12/2016

Straight C.V Heljestrand, No. 4, stropped 25/50 pre, 25 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso Green
SOTD: John Varvatos Vintage

It was back to the Monday routine this morning and for that, I reached for my trusty CVH No. 4. I can always count on it for a good shave with little drama. Today's shave was no exception and I completed two passes WTG/ATG with DFS results. I did once again experiment with my ATG pass going from nose-to-ear. I still don't know why I sometimes choose this method and sometimes not, but it seems to work.

I think that the results would have been better , but I think both of my razors need a professional re-fresh again. They are both beginning to drag a bit on my beard. That's OK because I'm expecting the razor share box to arrive in the next few days. I can use that time to not only expand my razor horizons but also send my two in for some love. With the share box, I'm really looking forward to trying Dan's handywork and a new selection of blades. It should be fun!
Great shave and read Keith. You're inspiring me to make another honing attempt on my CVH MK4. 3rd(or is it 4th or 5th?) times the charm? lol
Great shave and read Keith. You're inspiring me to make another honing attempt on my CVH MK4. 3rd(or is it 4th or 5th?) times the charm? lol

Thanks Eric! I've started watching some razor refresh videos on Youtube that Lynn from SRP has posted. I'm wondering if the CROX on the back of my linen strop is a good way to start as he suggests?
Straight Razor check-in, 09/13/2016

Straight C.V Heljestrand, No. 4, stropped 25/50 pre, 25 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso Green
SOTD: John Varvatos Original

I thought that I would stick with my CVH for another day of shaving before switching back to my Wester Brothers. I whipped up a nice batch of Tabac and set about my morning routine. Basil "helped" by circling between my ankles as cats often like to do. Basil hung out in the den with me for my two-pass effort. My passes were WTG/ATG and I am beginning to have issues with both razors on my chin and mustache area as I've previously journaled. It's definitely time for a honing (or better shaving technique on my part). It's been two months since I've had my razors honed, so I suppose that's not too bad for an edge to hold?

Results - DFS on my cheeks, but slightly worse on my chin and upper lip. I am noticing some irritation too.

I'll switch back to my Wester for tomorrow's shave and hope for a more comfortable experience. I suspect that it will be about the same as with the CVH, but we'll see.
Keith, straight edges do take a beating as we learn to shave and strop. As you become more seasoned, you will find that your edges will last longer. However, what I am about to suggest might open a rabbit hole that you might want to think twice about. Refreshing your razors on a finishing hone or lapping film will probably bring them back into great working order. Then you will become an edge snob like many of us, and the above statement about edges lasting longer effectively is never realized because you will refresh it at the least little sign of deterioration. Then you will purchase s dump truck load of rocks in search of the perfect edge with each razor you own. Don't ask me how I know this.:yikes:
^^^^^ the man has a point.

CrOx is a great way to get a flagging edge back into fighting shape IMO, and you can probably refresh it on that for a while before you start noticing a need to go any farther. I've had my Aust for 6 months and have 60+ shaves on it and have only stropped it on CrOx linen a couple times and CrOx and FeOx balsa the last time, and it's still going strong.
Keith, straight edges do take a beating as we learn to shave and strop. As you become more seasoned, you will find that your edges will last longer. However, what I am about to suggest might open a rabbit hole that you might want to think twice about. Refreshing your razors on a finishing hone or lapping film will probably bring them back into great working order. Then you will become an edge snob like many of us, and the above statement about edges lasting longer effectively is never realized because you will refresh it at the least little sign of deterioration. Then you will purchase s dump truck load of rocks in search of the perfect edge with each razor you own. Don't ask me how I know this.:yikes:


I see trouble ahead . . .
^^^^^ the man has a point.

CrOx is a great way to get a flagging edge back into fighting shape IMO, and you can probably refresh it on that for a while before you start noticing a need to go any farther. I've had my Aust for 6 months and have 60+ shaves on it and have only stropped it on CrOx linen a couple times and CrOx and FeOx balsa the last time, and it's still going strong.

Hi Eric,
Any recommendations for getting started with chromium and iron oxide pastes and where to get them? Are pastes better than crayons, or just a matter of personal preference? I suppose that a visit to the honing section of the forum will be on order, but that's too scary . . . :lol:
Straight Razor check-in, 09/14/2016

Straight: Wester Brothers Mono, stropped 25/50 pre, 30 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso Green
SOTD: John Varvatos Original

After contemplating the condition of my edges, I decided to lighten up my touch on the strop and employed a "blade weight only" approach. Not that I think I'm heavy-handed on the strop, but maybe heavier than is wise for edge maintenance? It might be too late for these edges, pre refresh, but I'm constantly working on tweaking my various techniques as I notice things that I might be doing improperly. This is where karate has benefited me in forcing me to analyze and adjust technique. I'm still a relative beginner at both, so I find many parallels in the learning curve and both can be painful at times . . .

The Wester provided a decent shave today and two passes (WTG/ATG) gave me a DFS result. I am spending more time on chin clean up than I would like to, but the results are better with me slowing down a bit. A little bit of irritation, but nothing too bad.

Tomorrow will be brush cleaning day. I've used shampoo as well as cider vinegar (and also done vinegar first and then shampoo). I'm interested to hear any other methods that people like. Maybe I'll mosey on over to the brush forum for some tips too.

Happy soon-to-be Thursday.
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