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Keith's Straight Razor Odyssey

Straight Razor check-in, 08/02/2016

Straight Razor: C.V. Heljestrand, No.4, stropped 25/50 pre, 50 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso green

I skipped shaving yesterday as my Sunday night post-ride shave was still working for me on Monday. Today's shave featured the CVH no.4 and was completed with three passes. The first 2 passes were WTG, and the final was ATG. I am still working on incorporating more heel action in my technique and this is mostly working for me. I did have one bloodless micro cut high on my left cheek, and it was a reminder that this is one sharp blade! It was also a reminder that my non-dominant left hand shaving is fallible and I remain my razor's humble servant . . .

Results - DFS+. My chin is getting easier to navigate and my DE is starting to get jealous not being able to join in the fun lately. Although I did three passes, I'm not convinced that the third pass is improving my shave at this point. I think that if I felt comfortable shaving XTG, perhaps a third pass would yield some improvement? Since I can't, the third pass just seems to increase skin irritation.
Great Read Keith, and the you will get comfortable in shaving XTG everntually, baby steps lead to less blood loss, LOL/ I wish I would have taken my own advice, but as Chris states "Chicks like scars", LOL/ Good Job!


I got moves like Jagger
I have a handful or so straight shaves under my belt and don't go XTG (which I would define as a EW or WE pass) at all.
Straight Razor check-in, 08/03/2016

Straight Razor: Wester Brothers, Mono, stropped 25/50 pre, 50 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Proraso green

This entry is late today; crazy work day, rushed home and then off to two karate classes.

This morning's shave was nothing remarkable in and of itself and yet, it was. I completed the shave in two passes (WTG & ATG). My progress with completing my chin efficiently seems to be improving with every shave and I'm happy about that. I was running a little late this morning and I was moving a little faster than I really wanted to but I was able to complete the shave without any bloodletting. Although completed in a technical sense, my preference would have been for a more relaxed tempo. The WB continues to shave well, but still different from my other razor (CVH no. 4).

Results - DFS. By most measures, it was a good shave, but not one for the record books or inscription into the granite tablet of exemplary shaves.

What was remarkable about it was its lasting effect on my mood. Maybe it wasn't a great shave, but the mere fact that I was able to create this from a sharpened hunk of steel made me smile and want to repeat and improve at this art. The thought of spending time SR shaving made me feel good. I felt like I accomplished something worthwhile and a little self-indulgent. Self-indulgent in a good way - I didn't increase my carbon footprint, I didn't hurt myself or anyone else, blah, blah, blah. Heck, I was using a razor that is probably my age or older, which makes the damn thing eligible for AARP and the early bird special at many of the lesser eating establishments . . .

I've noticed since starting to shave with a straight that I can have a lousy or stressful day at work and yet, when I rub my face, there is a glimmer of homey satisfaction that comes from that smooth feel that was created many hours ago in the shave den. It reminds me that the day always starts with new hope and the hope that there will be another re-start tomorrow. Another day, another shave and maybe a great one at that.

So, maybe it was a great shave after all . . .
That sounds like a great shave to me Keith. I've had days like that, where overcoming the challenge of facial hair removal with an ridiculously sharp, unguarded blade lifts my mood every time I think about it. Knowing that a challenge was overcome, but that there is still room for improvement, and I can make tomorrows even better. Maybe a small thing, but enough to cause a few smiles.
That sounds like a great shave to me Keith. I've had days like that, where overcoming the challenge of facial hair removal with an ridiculously sharp, unguarded blade lifts my mood every time I think about it. Knowing that a challenge was overcome, but that there is still room for improvement, and I can make tomorrows even better. Maybe a small thing, but enough to cause a few smiles.

Yeah, it's a weird and wonderful feeling that I suspect is at the root of most thrill-seeking behavior.
Great post about the shave today and how it improves your mood thinking about it even if you are having a bad day.

Great job on getting the chin better and getting a complete shave with the straight razor!

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Great post about the shave today and how it improves your mood thinking about it even if you are having a bad day.

Great job on getting the chin better and getting a complete shave with the straight razor!

Sent via Tapatalk from phone

Thanks Pete!
Straight Razor check-in, 08/04/2016

Straight Razor: CVH No. 4, stropped 30 pre, 30/60 post
Soap: Tabac Original
Brush: Parker Pure Badger
AS: Pinaud Clubman

Late entry tonight again as it was another karate class night (2 classes tonight and 6 total for the week and yet it seems like it never gets any easier).

The Tabac has quickly risen to the top of the very shallow heap of soaps that I've tried in my short wet shaving experience. It's slick, comfy, smells pretty nice and very cost effective. I do want to try MWF as lots of you seem to like it a whole lot as well. For now though, Tabac is the bees knees for me.

The CVH continues to impress me too. The jimps make for a confident hold, the scale pin has perfect tension (so the scales don't want to flop around), and that blade! Now, my example won't win any beauty contests, nor will my face, so it's a pretty good match. Today was a regular pace, 2-pass shave (WTG/ATG) and my chin cooperated without complaint. I think I'm getting the hang of it finally.

Results - my cheeks were DFS and my chin SAS and a smidge. It felt like a Pinaud morning and the classic smell seemed to mate well with driving my '64 International Harvester today. Not sure what to shave with in the am - probably the Wester Brothers, but we'll see.
Tabac is some great suds. I haven't used it a lot, but have found it very easy to get excellent lather from. If you decide that you want to try some other soaps, let me know. I've got more than my fair share at this point, and would be happy to send some your way.
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