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Keeping your mirror clear.

Good day, Gents. For those of you who like to shave after a shower, I'd like to hear what you do to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up so that you can get on with your shave as soon as you are done showering. A quick google has revealed several suggestions for mirror treatments, using such things as: shaving cream (of course, but what kind), vinegar, cucumber slices, WD 40, and so on . . .

So, before I try any of these on my mirror (and get the usual eye-rolling from SWMBO), I thought I'd tap the boundless pool of knowledge and experience that is B&B and see what you fellas have tried.

Please share your experience, especially if you have tried more than one method, and tell me what you've found to work the best. Thanks!

I use normal "bath" soap. I lather up my hands, then rinse 99% of the soap off and wipe over the mirror. You're after the slightests film to break up the water tension so you don't get a fogged up mirror - if you put much of anything on, you will make worse a film than the fog would be.

I'm not real fussy about my mirror so long as I can see in it. And with my short-sightedness, my breath usually fogs it up anyway! (If I can actually see in the mirror, I'm too close to it to shave)

Use saliva!

I am pretty sure there is some kind of 'anti-fog' sprays you can buy which stop the mirror from fogging up all together. I've never used one though
Saliva is normal to keep stuff fog free. Especially swimming goggles and scuba masks. I guess it should work on mirrors as well.

I use the absolutely, dirt cheapest goo in a can they sell at the grocery store. Spray before showering and rub around. Wipe off excess when you're gonna shave.

It gunks up the mirror in the long run, though.
Don't you have a fan to suck out the moisture in your bathroom? That has never failed for me. Barring that, I do the most simple thing and just open the door up.
I usually keep the door open to prevent fogging. However, you can purchase anti-fog agents used in diving masks or googles.
Rain X used to sell an anti-fog product. I used to use it on my old beater's windshield, dang defrost didn't do a thing. That anti fog worked pretty darn good.
A little of whatever cream you're using (a dime-sized blob AFTER YOU'VE LATHERED IT) does the trick-- shaving cream acts as a surfactant.
Thanks for the suggestions, Gents. Keep'em coming if yiou have any more.

Regarding the fan/door/window, those options don't really work for me. I generally keep the door closed to keep my daughter out. She's only 16 months old, and we keep doors closed to limit the amount of trouble she can get into while one's back is turned.

The fan will clear the mirror, but it takes several minutes, and my goal is to be able to start my shave as soon as I'm out of the shower.

Having the window open is an option in the summer, but not in the winter. It gets mighty cold on the Canadian prairies in the winter!

Thanks again for your responses, Gents. It's always a pleasure to hear about your experiences.
I use a squeegee. Gotta use it a couple times during the shave at least. It can leave lines after though.
I like to have the warmth and humidity in the bathroom when I shave so I keep the door closed.
I just throw some pants on and open the bathroom door. I know not everyone can get away with that but it clears the mirror before I can even get my soap lathered up.
I shave in the shower and, for several decades, have been unable to solve this problem. I have tried all sorts of solutions, fog-free sprays, and never succeeded in keeping the mirror clean for the duration of my shave.
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