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Just tried an alcohol based after shave for the first time, WOW!

I have been DE shaving for a month now. I am starting to finally get a good shave with good form in a decent amount of time. I have been using Nivea sensitive skin post shaving balm and it has been good. As we all know with this "hobby" we have to keep trying new things all the time. Well I have been reading all about how great these alcohol based after shaves are. Not wanting to drop to much cash on something new I got some Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue aftershave. Tried it out on my shave today, all I can say is WOW! I loved it, the cooling feeling and tightening of the skin was amazing. The smell is simple but stuck with me for probably 4-5 hours. I have been having some minor irritation of the neck, not red but just feels warm if that makes sense. This took care of that. I think I have something new to start spending my money on :001_smile

With that said any recommendations for some aftershaves to try?
You started off with a winner! :thumbup: AV Ice Blue hasn't stuck around for no reason...

You can't go wrong with the drug store classics:

Skin Bracer
Pinaud Clubman
Old Spice

If you want to make a step-up, you can look into the Captain's Choice line. Excellent and soothing and made by a member here.

Really, the sky is the limit here.
Alcohol based after shaves don't give me any problems. I like the 'zing' and the way they make my face feel. No drying of skin for me.
You started off with a winner! :thumbup: AV Ice Blue hasn't stuck around for no reason...

You can't go wrong with the drug store classics:

Skin Bracer
Pinaud Clubman
Old Spice

If you want to make a step-up, you can look into the Captain's Choice line. Excellent and soothing and made by a member here.

Really, the sky is the limit here.

I love handmade artisan products and my wife is in love with the Bay Rum scent. I think I know what I will be ordering.
If you are looking at the Captain's Choice products the Cat o Nine Tails is amazing and the scent lasts a lot longer than the lime. The lime is also great too though.
I have been DE shaving for a month now. I am starting to finally get a good shave with good form in a decent amount of time. I have been using Nivea sensitive skin post shaving balm and it has been good. As we all know with this "hobby" we have to keep trying new things all the time. Well I have been reading all about how great these alcohol based after shaves are. Not wanting to drop to much cash on something new I got some Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue aftershave. Tried it out on my shave today, all I can say is WOW! I loved it, the cooling feeling and tightening of the skin was amazing. The smell is simple but stuck with me for probably 4-5 hours. I have been having some minor irritation of the neck, not red but just feels warm if that makes sense. This took care of that. I think I have something new to start spending my money on :001_smile

With that said any recommendations for some aftershaves to try?

I love AV Ice Blue. I also really like 4711 Original splash. I put menthol crystals in it but that's just personal preference. Old Spice Lime is also a nice one. You've really opened up a can of worms here...:001_tt1:
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I ordered a bottle of the Clubman Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum as I had a few bucks leftover on an Amazon gift card can't wait.
The drugstore classics are always great..... I would check out Skin Bracer, Pinaud Clubman also. Dollar General has a couple of AS made by Barbasol you could try (Brisk & Pacific Rush) that are inexpensive under $2. Once you start acquiring a few, it's hard to stop collecting more as I suffer from ASAD...:velva2:
That sounds like a great idea! Is it ok to mix the two?

Witch hazel helps calm my Skin. By adding some to The clubman knocks down the sting also a little for me. I don't get to crazy with it. Maybe a 30/70 mix. 25-30% Witch hazel to Clubman. I still however still use clubman straight up also. :bayrum2:
I too, recommend the Pinaud Clubman. It smells fantastic and makes your skin feel great! (BTW, I had no clue Captain's Choice was made by a member...guess I'll add that to my list of things to buy!)
Barbasol Pacific Rush is cheap, full of alcohol and menthol, and doesn't smell quote as "old man" to me as Skin Bracer, Barbasol Brisk, etc. For around $3/bottle it's at least worth a try and it's become my daily driver (kicking Proraso Green out of the driver's seat) for the last 2.5 years.
One of my favorites is the Old Spice knockoff from Family Dollar. It's much more spicy and bay rum scented than actual Old Spice and it's about $2. I also have the Barbasol Pacific Rush. Good scent, TONS of menthol. Also about $2. Lastly, check out a Walmart. They have a bunch of aftershaves in the $5 range, along with some old standards. I just picked up some Gillette Cool Wave for about $4. Nice modern scent.
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