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Just started, need lather advice

I'm new to wet shaving and I would like to know how to tell if my lather is ready. During my last two shaves my lather was almost completely transparent when I applied it to my face, how do I tell if it is too dry, wet, or if it is just right?
Eperiment with different things and go by feel more than looks. Just for the learning process try the steps below. Later, refine and change to your preference.

Use a bowl. With a moist to wet brush, load a lot more soap than you need to shave. Whip in the bowl until a lather forms. Put it on yur face to see how it feels. Sprinkle 3-5 drops of water in the bowl and whip again. Feel again. Repeat the sprinkle-whip-feel steps until the lather is too wet. Somewhere along the way you should hit on a ratio that gives you a really slick feeling lather -- that's what you want. Good luck!
Agreed that it is a trial-and-error learning process. But you have to decide for yourself what the "correct" lather is. Instructional photos and clips seem to show what I consider a thin, wispy lather akin to whipped cream. I much prefer a thicker lather, more like frosting on a cake. That's what works for me. And I don't use a bowl, I lather on my face. So experiment, then do what feels right for you.
I'm new also, and for 1st month I thought I was buying hte wrong products for good lather - then I used a WET brush (not damp) and it started to happen!:001_rolle


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would say use more product but which shaving soap or shaving cream were you using?

+2 on the tutorials!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I would say use more product but which shaving soap or shaving cream were you using?

+2 on the tutorials!


Practice, Practice, Practice.

You have to make lather every time you shave, but you don't have to shave every time you make lather.

When you have spare time, make some lather. Experiment, try different amounts.
You'll get the hang of it.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I am using the Col. Conk shaving soap

Yup, you would need more soap to build your lather. Try to make a few bowls when you have time not right before you shave.
Load up.

The worst that can happen is it takes more water and a bit longer to make.

After a bit of practice you'll know how much loading is enough.

Skimping on soap will never make decent lather.
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