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Just received my two bottles of Alt Innsbruck ...

... but I'm not yet sure whether I like it or I should mention it in the thread 'Your Absolute Worst Blind Buy Ever'. :confused1

I think it smells similar to 'Oscar of Oscar De La Renta' and therefore a bit feminine.
I like the way it feels when I put it on but I'm still on the fence with regard to the scent. My wife doesn't like it. Too flowery
Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy Alt. It's one of my two favorite aftershaves. I can't imagine you'd have any problem unloading it in the b/s/t, even with an EU-only sale.

Definitely a fair warning about the risks of a blind purchase. Thanks.
Funny how this stuff hits you. It is always dodgy when I attempt to use a splash with menthol. I just used Alt this morning from my decant from Superlather. The menthol blast is indeed the top note in this product! Wow. It hits you between the eyes. What I was happy about though is the effect only lasted a few minutes. This one is at the very edge of what I can tolerate in regards to menthol blast. Any more and it would overwhelm me completely. Like getting a snoot full of rubbing alcohol. Well almost. What I do love about it is the scent. After the menthol note subsides, I like the slightly powdery, mild floral note that is left. What's more is SWMBO loves it. In fact, she actually asked me how much a bottle costs! This is real progress in her coming to terms with my little a/s affliction. This can only mean she is considering purchasing it for me. Ahem. I strongly believe you will have zero problem selling the bottles in the b/s/t forum if you don't like them.

Regards, Todd
I had a tester and didn't like it at all. It smelt much more like a womans perfume to me!

My 7 year old now has it for her special occassions dressing up (i.e. every day:001_tongu).

But I know some people who love it and like anything its a personal thing.

I LOVE Pashana and I know some people wouldn't put it on their chips!
I mentioned it as my worst blind buy ever in that thread. It's not the menthol blast that is the problem. I love menthol and the menthol is hardly noticeable in the Alt. It's the licorice tobacco flower scent that is way too sweet that does it in for me.

This is one of the scents that might be able to grow on you after awhile, it certainly is a quality product. Just a little overrated IMHO.
I can't imagine you'd have any problem unloading it in the b/s/t, even with an EU-only sale.

Yes someone will quickly take it off your hand if you decide its not for you.

I strongly believe you will have zero problem selling the bottles in the b/s/t forum if you don't like them.

This is one of the scents that might be able to grow on you after awhile, it certainly is a quality product. Just a little overrated IMHO.

I know I would have no problem to sell it back to someone who likes it.
Also, I bought it directly from the manufacturer and the bill states that I can send it back within 10 days.
But ... my problem is that I never can sell anything even if I don't like it that much because I fear that I might miss it when it's gone or that the scent may grow upon me.

Maybe it is just because the scents reminds me too much of the woman perfume Oscar De La Rente which was very popular in Europe two decades ago.
We'll see.
Oh dear. I messed this one up and I wished I never started this thread.

I received this AS on Thursday and splashed some on the back of my hand because I was already wearing a scent.
Because my first impression wasn't very good, I waited till today to try it on the face because we had no plans to go out today.
After the shave I splashed it on liberally and five minutes later the wife entered the bathroom and asked which scent I've chosen because it smells good.
She couldn't believe it when I said it was Alt Innsbruck. She also thought earlier that it was very similar to Oscar De La Rente when she sniffed my hand.
But now splashed on my face it smells different. More powdery and more barbershoppy.
It reminds me to the barbershop my father took me with him when I was very young.

I'm terribly sorry and feel stupid for this misinformation from my side but I never thought that a scent splashed on the back of your hand could be so much different than when it is splashed on the face.
Ah well, I learned a lesson here.
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