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Just gotta vent

So I started shaving with a straight back in January and have been jumping back and forth between a straight and a DE. Then I decided roughly two weeks ago to get serious about the straight and put the DE's down and concentrate on my technique.

This morning I was on probably my 12th consecutive shave with a straight. Things have been going really well and parts of my face are smoother than anything I've accomplished with a DE after each shave. Stropping is going well and I'm starting to be comfortable shaving with both hands.

Then this morning happened. I don't know if I was rushing or just not paying attention, but I cut myself 3 times! I look like Al Pacino in Scarface! :w00t::mad3: The worst part is each time I cut myself, a fraction of a second before I inflicted the damage the thought was going through my mind that, oh you shouldn't do that! My own fault for butchering myself.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I'll be back at it. Just had to vent. :blush:
I've had a similar issue. My 10th shave was better then my 12th shave with the straight. Could of be poor prep. rushing, or the moon and the stars where out of wack.
I'll just blame myself. I'm doing pretty good now after about 2 months of straight shaving with my Feather AC, but every so often, and don't ask me how I do it, something happens and I give myself a nick or two. Their not as bad as when I started, but the other day my father said "you got yourself again". I had two tiny nicks, one on my cheek and one on my neck. Oh well, at least they;re getting fewer and farther between. :001_rolle :w00t:
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