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Just bought LA Shavings Topanga Fougère.

After reading how it was made, I have to say I'm looking forward to this one more than I have any other shave purchase in a long time...really unique read into the making, testing of the craft!
I got some the day he released it. Great performer like other scents. I'm not really an expert with Fougere but I enjoy it quite a bit. Really nice scent to it! I hope more folks take a chance on the LA Shaving Company products! If you're not sure about the cost of the Fougere then at least the other scents, the Mint/Eucalyptus/Vanilla is quite nice!
I ordered four LA samples and Topanga Fougere was one of them. It isn't my favorite (smell), but the Mint/Eucalyptus/Vanilla sample is ... all four samples lathered well and is slick.

The bay rum wasn't my cup of tea either, but the woodsy lavender smells nice and the LOTH likes it too (along with the
Mint/Eucalyptus/Vanilla :wink2:)
I'm itching to get my hands on some of these soaps. Reading the description of the fougere totally triggered my AD.
I certainly compare it to its inspiration MdC. I don't care for the Lavender as much as I do MdC, but at a quarter the price it's still nice. And more variety too!
I got the samples last week. So far I have about five shaves in on the bay rum. At this point, I am quite pleased with the results. I have way too many soaps and creams already, but there is a better than good chance I will add a tub of one of these to the den.
It is fantastic how many artisan soaps of seemingly high quality are popping up these days: panna crema, stirling, Mikes, Mystic waters and now LA shavings. It is also great to see that so many provide samples. With my current regime of testing one or a few soaps a year whilst downsizing my existing stash, I will be happily testing for years to come.
It is fantastic how many artisan soaps of seemingly high quality are popping up these days: panna crema, stirling, Mikes, Mystic waters and now LA shavings. It is also great to see that so many provide samples. With my current regime of testing one or a few soaps a year whilst downsizing my existing stash, I will be happily testing for years to come.

Gustav, that's kinda what drew me back in to B&B...been trolling off and on since the kids were born, but just haven't had the time. When I started to see how many soap makers were going Tallow (when I left only PC had tried it if memory serves...remember I was one of the guinea pigs for her trial runs)...anyway it started to really interest me!
Exactly my experience. I quit the boards some years back and bought nothing new after that time. This summer I was in London and popped into some of the old established shave stores just because I happened to be in the area. It rekindled my interest a bit and I come back to see how much has changed.

And there have already been rather too many acquisitions this autumn I fear. :blushing:

Well, it was lonely on that beighted conveyance. Good riddance says I.

Now I have to convince myself that LA S has a scent I will enjoy. I hates me the lavendar, have no idea what Topanga Fougère smells like, and I'm no fan of clovey bay rum ... though I understand this isn't a clovey version. Hmmm ...

Well, it was lonely on that beighted conveyance. Good riddance says I.

Now I have to convince myself that LA S has a scent I will enjoy. I hates me the lavendar, have no idea what Topanga Fougère smells like, and I'm no fan of clovey bay rum ... though I understand this isn't a clovey version. Hmmm ...

Yeah....I have no idea but all the rave is about Topanga and I trust Bob's sniffer so I'm hoping it works out!

Well, it was lonely on that beighted conveyance. Good riddance says I.

Now I have to convince myself that LA S has a scent I will enjoy. I hates me the lavendar, have no idea what Topanga Fougère smells like, and I'm no fan of clovey bay rum ... though I understand this isn't a clovey version. Hmmm ...

Fwiw the bay rum is not a clove rendition and it's very fresh smelling. It's not the typical bay rum spice cabinet scent we've become accustomed to.
Jeez man, where's the "scents are rubbish and performance blows" that I need to hear? You guys are killing me.


Looks like there's not much excuse now ...

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