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Just about Van Gough'd myself.

I'm still pretty new to straight razor shaving, (a couple of months), and thought I was getting the hang of it. I use it to shave my head as I have a beard, and I have slowly been getting better at the back of my head and other areas I cannot see with very few nicks or cuts. Last night though, I have no idea what the hell happened... I was just getting the last few whiskers above my ear when for no reason my hand just jumped. The bloody thing (pun intended) bit me in the top of my ear right where it meets the temple.

Anyhow, I tried to stop the bleeding for about an hour with no luck by using direct pressure. Since I hate going to the doctor, I finally stopped the bleeding with a few drops of crazy glue, (an old trick I learned, though I would not recommend it). Probably could have used three or four stitches. Dang it stings today.

Looks like I'm going to have a bit of hair on my head for the next week or so.

I knew it was sharp but holy hell, I was not expecting that!
Good luck with the healing. Seems like the things we need to be careful with get dangerous just when we feel more comfortable doing them. We have a tendency to let down our guard.
I think you should change your name from Uncle Jackie to Ear Cutter! : )

I know what you mean about how shocking it is to find out how sharp these straights are. I lost focus and went right through my strop - freaked me right out!

Heal quickly bro.
My nurse friend just looked at it. Good news, no stitches required. She says it kept bleeding because of where it is located. Anyhow, she has dressed it properly and I'm told to keep it dry for a few days. Other than changing the dressings, and keeping it clean I'm good to go.

One more scar to add to my collection.
Everybody has at least one good straight "war story"... Mine is a 4" gash across my neck but I won't bore you with that one.

Hey... Haven't you heard? Scars are cool :smile:
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