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Journey of the Smokedstanley

I have been wet shaving for a few years, but recently joined B&B. Started with straight razors in 2019 right before the pandemic but decided it wasn't for me and moved on to safety razors. Currently have what I would call a decent collection of stuff (probably small for most, but decent to me). I am currently going to attempt to stop buying or at least actively looking for new to me items and start going through what I have and giving each razor a go using the same Astra blades for a fair comparison and see how I like each. My go to has been an 1960 F3 Fatboy and I am hoping to stay away from it until every other razor gets at least 5-6 shaves each. Lets see how long that takes and if any razor actually replaces the Fatboy as my go to.

Today I had my first shave with a 1931 Goodwill #160. I would say it went pretty good but I need to work on my technique on the neck, had a few nicks/slight irritation.


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Welcome to the Journals and Diaries section and thank you for sharing your journey with us. Hopefully, you’ll be able to look back to see your progress over the years. Or your descent into madness, which can also be fun
Thank you. Hoping to look back, and enjoying the decent so far. Here is a shot of my current display . Keep the duplicate mugs that are actively being used, most SR's and current razor/brush being used in the bedroom. Only 3 mugs away from a complete set.


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Welcome to the journal section, thanks for starting one. I hear you about staying away from more razors. There are some enablers lurking around these parts you have to look out for. When I think of a new razor, I reflect back on how many great shaves my 1948 Gillette Super Speed has given me and hit pause on any Safty Razor purchases. So far my collection is all I need. Looking forward to reading this journal.
Very nice display there! I love the 400 brushes or their handles to be precise. Are all those Old Spice mugs empty or filled with different soaps?

Cheers and enjoy!

Thank you, 3 of the 400's have the original knot and I put a new Boar in one of them. There are 2 mugs with the original old spice soap, 1 new and one partially used (which I will probable use since it is only a partial). All mugs in the cabinet are different and the one with the red lid was my Great Grandfathers. I have spare mugs that I am using with different soaps but I do not have a huge assortment. One with Williams, Van Der Hagen, Back Ops Grooming, Arko and a few with Col. Conk with some extras for any new soaps I end up getting. The old spice colognes, aftershaves and Talcums are all full except for the bicentennial coin cologne as it opened in the package and leaked some out. I keep the bottles I am actively using in the bathroom.


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Well I enjoyed the Goodwill and ended up with a nice shave with no nicks or irritation after the first try. Just think I went at the neck a little too carefree on the first go. Now to move on to the next razor. 1928 New Standard with the same (but new) Astra blade and Arko. First shave went very nice, no issues. Feel that this has a little less blade feedback than the Goodwill had, but also felt it was smoother on the neck and I was able to do longer strokes but this could just be from improved technique/angles being used.


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Couldn't hold off any longer. Received this 1946-50 Tech Gold recently and had to take it for a spin today. It looks practically new and still has 4 new blades in the box and the fifth blade out of the wrapper. What a nice shave. Felt like I could just keep lathering up and taking another pass.


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Today I branched out and had my first single edge shave (not counting SR) with a Gem Junior - Mystery Edge blade, Captains Choice Eucalyptus soap. First, love the Eucalyptus. Now for the shave, this combo had the most feedback I have ever had. It was like it had a built in speaker and was very satisfying.

Quality of shave was lacking though. it was an odd angle compared to what I am used to but very comfortable on the skin, yet left more stubble feel after 3 passes than I get even on a quick single pass using the Astra's and any DE I have used so far. I will give this razor a few more goes, but with different blades and see if it gets better. Currently a satisfying shave with poor end results. If that isn't just an oxymoron.


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Well, I counted my soap today and realized I have 45 pucks of various soaps, new and vintage (which on its own will last longer than I will). So what did I do but order a puck of Tabac original to try because I had a gift card. Slowly excepting all the acquisition disorders.
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