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I had some Jing Mai green tea today, a few grams gonfu style. It is a very good green tea.
I'm looking around for more info about it on the interwebs and realize two things: that not many vendors have it, and that the green tea leaves look just like "broad leaf variety" tea leaves (that make puerh).
Is Jing Mai another "made up" green tea-type, like gunpowder? (Most internet search results for "Jing Mai" yield puerh teas.)
In fact, when the leaves were spent, they looked strikingly like a less oxidized version of the medium-large leaves of good puerh.
Of course, the backstory on this Jing Mai is that it is from old trees in Yunnan...hmm.
Anyone know the ReaL story here? Are these Jing Mai leaves plucked from the same type of broad leaf tea tree (C. sinensis assamica) as produces the broad leaves that are used to produce puerh teas in Yunnan?
Anyone else ever have this green tea?
Are there other green teas that are made from "large leaf" tea leaves?
Hey, what do I know? Its all new to me!

Exhibit 2:
I had some Jing Mai green tea today, a few grams gonfu style. It is a very good green tea.
I'm looking around for more info about it on the interwebs and realize two things: that not many vendors have it, and that the green tea leaves look just like "broad leaf variety" tea leaves (that make puerh).
Is Jing Mai another "made up" green tea-type, like gunpowder? (Most internet search results for "Jing Mai" yield puerh teas.)
In fact, when the leaves were spent, they looked strikingly like a less oxidized version of the medium-large leaves of good puerh.
Of course, the backstory on this Jing Mai is that it is from old trees in Yunnan...hmm.
Anyone know the ReaL story here? Are these Jing Mai leaves plucked from the same type of broad leaf tea tree (C. sinensis assamica) as produces the broad leaves that are used to produce puerh teas in Yunnan?
Anyone else ever have this green tea?
Are there other green teas that are made from "large leaf" tea leaves?
Hey, what do I know? Its all new to me!

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