Sorry if this is in the wrong forum; this was my best guess. Please move if posted in the wrong area mods.
Anyone use Japanese Incense at all? I bought some Nippon Kodo Aloeswood in NYC this weekend, and I don't know if I care for this scent much. I'm thinking of trying another brand all together, perhaps Shoyeido or Baieido. Any experience with these incenses and particular scent recommendations is greatly appreciated. I like sandalwood heavier fragrances over patchouli heavy, and florals are perfectly alright with me.
Thanks in advance gents!
Anyone use Japanese Incense at all? I bought some Nippon Kodo Aloeswood in NYC this weekend, and I don't know if I care for this scent much. I'm thinking of trying another brand all together, perhaps Shoyeido or Baieido. Any experience with these incenses and particular scent recommendations is greatly appreciated. I like sandalwood heavier fragrances over patchouli heavy, and florals are perfectly alright with me.
Thanks in advance gents!