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Japanese Incense?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum; this was my best guess. Please move if posted in the wrong area mods.

Anyone use Japanese Incense at all? I bought some Nippon Kodo Aloeswood in NYC this weekend, and I don't know if I care for this scent much. I'm thinking of trying another brand all together, perhaps Shoyeido or Baieido. Any experience with these incenses and particular scent recommendations is greatly appreciated. I like sandalwood heavier fragrances over patchouli heavy, and florals are perfectly alright with me.

Thanks in advance gents!
Hand rolled Indian is the only way to go IMO.

And you know you found the good stuff when you will find human hair rolled up in the incense.
I love agarwood based Japanese incense. Shoyeido makes some good ones.

but other strong wood based ones not so much. other than agarwood i mostly enjoy light, more natural scents. I dislike sandalwood almost to an extreme. but i haven't tried a sandalwood one that wasn't a "5 for $1" thing. so maybe one day i'll open up my heart to it

actually going to attempt some Incense making myself sometime in the near future. but damn, some of the good ingredients can be a bit pricey
Hand rolled Indian is the only way to go IMO.

And you know you found the good stuff when you will find human hair rolled up in the incense.

I'm with him on this one...however I did try a Japanese incense one time that was quite good, just not my bag though, but I do burn a lot of them, so next time I'm out and about I'll get some Japanese stuff and re-evaluate. Also while we are talking about incense from different countries, I bought some incense made by Tibetan Buddhists one time and the smell (not burning) is reminiscent of mildew and not good. Anybody else ever have that experience?

Also if anyone really likes Dragon's Blood try Wild Berry's Dragon's Blood, it is great...I wish they made a cologne or something. I got spoiled on this and ever since then I am quite disappointed when I try other brands who try to pass off this stuff that smells like soap as DB.
The Sandalwood incense from Nippon Kodo Co. is very fine and a natural fragrance. rich yet subtle.The Morningstar brand is another high quality fragrance. Sandalwood, cedarwood and Rose are all well made and pleasant.

Mertz carries some of these I believe.
Also if anyone really likes Dragon's Blood try Wild Berry's Dragon's Blood, it is great...I wish they made a cologne or something. I got spoiled on this and ever since then I am quite disappointed when I try other brands who try to pass off this stuff that smells like soap as DB.

I've tried drgon's blood before, but not that brand.

I will have to double check which brand I do have. I was only so-so on it.

My current favourite scent is the Nag Champa. Don't know why. It just has me hooked.
I really like the Ka Fuh Hinoki made by Morningstar (Nippon Kodo.) It's much more affordable than the niche temple sticks but close in quality.
I think Japanese incense is more subtle in the "fragrance" department.

No matter what the fragrance, the wood will come through, and this is done on purpose.
Are you sure that you have to have Japanese incense? IMHO Nag Champa is the greatest. There is no substitute.

through the winter when I couldn't keep the windows cracked (too cold) I placed unlit Nag Champa sticks in the floor heat ducts for air freshener.

Those sticks have a lot of hang time for fragrance dispersal even when unlit.
The Sandalwood incense from Nippon Kodo Co. is very fine and a natural fragrance. rich yet subtle.The Morningstar brand is another high quality fragrance. Sandalwood, cedarwood and Rose are all well made and pleasant.

Mertz carries some of these I believe.

Thank you for refreshing my memory Jim! Morningstar was the Japanese incense I had tried and as said before they did good making it and it was high quality, I just wasn't a huge fan of the scent (I got the purple ones). However I haven't tried the sandalwood and am a huge sandal fan, so I'll have to give that a try.
I use Morningstar(Nippon Kodo) Sandalwood and have for many years. I am also a fan of Nag Champa and SuperHit. Stick with quality stuff.
Time to resurrect this thread. I use Japanese incense exclusively. It so much more refined, what with no stick and all. Smoking wood in a kodo bowl is good fun, too. Nag Champa gives me sinus infections, burns like a forest fire, and reminds me of pot smoking hippies. Not that there is any thing wrong with that:lol::lol::lol:
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