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I went to an antique store this morning looking for shaving items. I didn't find anything and when I was going to leave she asked what I was looking for. I told her razors and shaving brushes. She took me to a cabinet and told me to look and see what I could find in the back of it. I found 2 straight razors, one had a large nick in the blade and the other was quite rusty and didn't look like it could be brought back into shaving condition. Then I found a DE (not sure of razor models) that I think is a gold tech. The handle is stripped, and had piece of cloth to let it tighten up, marked $5, but she said she would work with me on the price. Then she remember a box she just got in, she pull out a ziplock bag with 4 DEs in it. 2 red tips, a fat handled tech, and an open comb gillette. (again, not sure of models) and she was looking at them, and then she said she'd take $5 each for all of them, so I paid the lady and was upset that I couldn't call B&B on the phone to tell someone who would care. None of them are in bad shape, but I'm going to clean them up and try to get a picture up so hopefully I can have some help with the ID. She told me that no one comes in looking for DE razors, so I gave her my name and number and she said she'd call if anymore came in! I went from DE poor (1) to DE wealthy with the purchase of these 5, now to decide which one to use first!

nice find... how come there's never anything like that in the shops around me?

it's funny. I found that the best antique stores to carry safety razors are usually the ones in the middle of nowhere. in Minneapolis i've been hardpressed to find any antique stores that have safety razors, but when the wife and I went on our honeymoon up north practically every antique store had a 'junk drawer' full of them. keep in mind, all of them were without their cases, except maybe one store, but most of them seemed to be in good working order. I got a lady gillette, old type, flaretip superspeed and super adjustable for less than $20.
Wonderfull - good experience! isn´t it?

I went to an antique store this morning looking for shaving items. I didn't find anything and when I was going to leave she asked what I was looking for. I told her razors and shaving brushes. She took me to a cabinet and told me to look and see what I could find in the back of it. I found 2 straight razors, one had a large nick in the blade and the other was quite rusty and didn't look like it could be brought back into shaving condition. Then I found a DE (not sure of razor models) that I think is a gold tech. The handle is stripped, and had piece of cloth to let it tighten up, marked $5, but she said she would work with me on the price. Then she remember a box she just got in, she pull out a ziplock bag with 4 DEs in it. 2 red tips, a fat handled tech, and an open comb gillette. (again, not sure of models) and she was looking at them, and then she said she'd take $5 each for all of them, so I paid the lady and was upset that I couldn't call B&B on the phone to tell someone who would care. None of them are in bad shape, but I'm going to clean them up and try to get a picture up so hopefully I can have some help with the ID. She told me that no one comes in looking for DE razors, so I gave her my name and number and she said she'd call if anymore came in! I went from DE poor (1) to DE wealthy with the purchase of these 5, now to decide which one to use first!
OK, I know my picture is bad, but the best I can do for now. Hopefully it's good enough for someone to give me a positive ID on all of them. No cases with any of them, but I hope that they will all be good shavers. One red tip has good plating and is in great condition, and the open comb needs some more scrubbing to get it completly clean.
2 redtips, 1 fat handle tech, gillette new with a ball end handle and the far left could be a tech or a new..hard to tell with the picture and the top one seems to be a tooth brush:biggrin:
2 redtips, 1 fat handle tech, gillette new with a ball end handle and the far left could be a tech or a new..hard to tell with the picture and the top one seems to be a tooth brush:biggrin:

I'll have you know, that's not a toothbrush, that is a top of the line, specility razor cleaning brush. They are quite an expensive specility item.


Looking at the picture it the fat/bar handled NEW appears to have a tech head on it.
Well done.
I found very little when I looked around one of our local antique shops. ..but then perhaps I should have actually spoken to the owner (he seemed pre-occupied with his newspaper)
Ok, your speaking greek to me..... Which razor specifically, and what can I look at to tell the difference?

OK, he's saying that the leftmost gold razor should have a head that looks like the one on this razor:


- Chris
No, the bottom of the head has the diamond shape, with 2 holes cut out for the "prongs" to go through. The ball tip open comb is the only one with a head made like that one.
This is a sweet score! I love browsing antique malls. One of the bests aspects of DE shaving and razor collecting is that you can still find bargains.

Cough, cough.. BTW, none of the antique stores in the Phoenix area ever have crap. Cough, cough.
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