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I've never bought or used a bad product.

That's one of the great things about this obsession. Sure, I like some products better than others; but outside of a couple of blades, I've never had a particular brand that did not work for me. In fact, after nearly 2 years into it, I haven't had one single product that wasn't excellent when it comes to soaps, creams, and aftershaves. There are just different levels of "excellent", and I've enjoyed them all. That includes about 25 soaps and creams, and probably that many aftershaves.

Anybody else been this lucky? :thumbup:
I've tried to be selective about the products I purchase and wet shaving gear is no different. I have very few regrets but if I had to choose one it would be overstocking on AV Musk. I have way too much of it and I'm afraid I'll get tired of it hanging around the house.
I have tried a couple bad products, that quickly got tossed out, or sold on BST if they have a fan base. Most of what I have tried has been great though. The thing I am consistently most pleased with is the level of customer service you get with wet shaving vendors. The worst of whom would be considered way above average in any other industry. Several vendors/artisans have taken obscene amounts of time out to make sure I was getting exactly what I wanted, and one such individual even refused to take a tip for his time investment! Where on earth do you find that but from our vendors?
I bought a two-dollar bottle of "Shave Secret" that was pretty bad even as a pre-shave oil, addition to lather, etc. Use of it as a stand-alone oil as it suggested was even more disastrous.

I like the smell though, and found that a little bit around some burn after shaving can feel kinda nice, so I guess you're right--no bad products. :)

Although I've got some Lilac Vegital that intrigues, vexes and confuses me every time I smell it (I've only owned it 3 days though--the jury is still out). :)
I am still pretty new to DE shaving, but my experience has been similar to the OP's. However, thanks to this forum I assume that I have been able to steer clear from some products that aren't as good. I am sure, for example, that I would not have come across Mama Bears if it were not for the community of shavers at B & B. This forum has been very helpful in pointing me in the right direction with my brush, razor and product purchases.

This experience of not using any "bad" products has especially hit home with the three razors I own. I started with the Merkur HD and, because of bad technique, thought that it was too rough and aggressive for me. Under the sink it went. Quite honestly, I thought once I reach the B/S/T requirements I would sell it. Now that I have been shaving with a Gillette Tech and a Bob's Bull Mastiff for awhile, I have picked up the HD again and I am loving it. It has been a good lesson to learn.

I have been lucky with all the shave products I have purchased as well - blades , soaps , creams , razors.
Most of the products I tried worked out in a way; some great, some good and some just worked. But about a dozen blades were unusable, a couple of soaps dried out my skin/ didn't lather/ were too heavy on essential oils, some brushes were not to my liking and a couple of razors didn't do it for me at all.

And I found out I really hate an overdose of menthol.

I think I tried a lot.:001_rolle

Still most of the stuff I used is on the ok-side of the fence!!
All products I have purchased have fallen under the range of usable to excellent. Usable in the sense of being utilitarian, the product gets the job done though not an enjoyable shaving experience. Since I desire an enjoyable shave, and not just a utilitarian one, I stick to using good-excellent products while placing the usable stuff in the cabinet under the bathroom sink.
I rate my products on would I buy them again and theres quite a few products I will not waste my money on again. Thats great that you have loved everything you've tried.
Everything that I have used so far (which isn't much honestly) is quite good. The only bad has been those Merkur DE blades...
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