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I've gotta tell someone!

After getting a AOS starter kit for Christmas, I've become interested.

After stumbling onto a "Wetshaving" thread on my Cigar forum, I became more interested.

And now, I'm on B&B.

The whole point is, it brought back oodles of memories of watching my grandfather shave when I was a kid. The 'whipped up' cream, the raspy tone as he made each pass... it brings me back.

It has now enticed me to request my grandfather's razor strop and razors.
> I found one stop that was in the basement that is now speckled with mold.
> The one he last used, in all of its worn-out glory, still hanging on the back of the bathroom door.
> And a request for his razors, as my uncle had taken them for saftey a few years earlier.

They've arrived!!!!

I haven't gone over to get them yet, but my mother called to let me know that my uncle had found them easily and brought them down with him this Saturday!!!
He has even volunteered to tell me what he can about shaving and stropping them. (I'll ask and listen, as more 'tribal knowledge' will never hurt)
No cooler story exists that "legacy razors" that have personal history behind them! You'll buy, sell and trade many different razors in this hobby...but you'll almost assuredly never get rid of those!

You are one lucky man and I hope you share pics of your loot with us!

I tried to chase my Grandads straights up, alas they were thrown away.

You will enjoy, im sure, more with years, using your Grandads razor. Very cool, and dont try to hone it yourself. Its ok if you wreck one you bought, money comes and goes.

Look forward to pics.

That is very cool. Wish I was so lucky. My Dad passed away last year, one of the only items I took was his fountain pen. It will go to my son later.
Congrats! By the way, I'm originally from Ludlow. Glad to see another Western, MA member on board.
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