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It's official CF is the best cream

Wow, the ease and quality of lather is superb. Surprising but the price is great too. The tub is huge and it's like a soap. I did a 4 pass (WTG, XTG x2, ATG) with an R41 plus Feather blade and got a damn close shave.

I had strictly switched to soaps after being unimpressed with creams. I tried many: Proraso, T&H, Trumpers, TOBS, AOS, Nancy Boy. CF is a winner though. It will be the only cream in my rotation. I'm still not sold on the lime scent, I guess I'm not a lime guy surprisingly. I didn't like Trumpers lime skin food, T&H lime cream, though I found the similar scent of Sprite with T&H lime ASB to be nice. I might exchange it for the lavender so lets see. I hear some say the performance of the lavender is even better. Can this be true?
Curious: You did a 4 pass with an R41 and a feather blade and still couldn't get a BBS?

:scared: Honestly - I am stumped
I have also been very impressed with castle Forbes. This cream takes less product to make a great lather than any other I've tried. I just wish they had more scents to choose from. I like the lime, hate the cedar/sandalwood, and am not really a fan of lavender in general. If they made it in a nice sandalwood scent without the cedar I would be all over it.
Well I usually do a 3 pass (WTG, XTG, and ATG) but I had so much lather that I thought why not do an extra pass?

I was BBS on the face but I don't go ATG on my neck yet so I can't truly achieve BBS. I'm waiting to first get more consistent shaves on my neck. In no rush really.

Yeah I got some irritation from doing a 4 pass but it was worth it. Gonna do it again, still looked smooth this morning 18 hours later :thumbup:.
CF is truly a great cream though I like GFT Coconut as much or better. If you like Lavender I would definitely try that scent of CF.
Like you said, WOW.

You are the man! I have an R41, have tough fairly thick beard but most I need to do with this razor 2 passes, maybe 3 if feeling adventurous. Either way, the razor provides an exceptional, smooth, BBS shave. Gonna have to try CF...glad to hear it's worked out for you.
CF is great cream! It's one of my favorites, although unlike you, I love the lime. I think it has the best lime scent of anything that I've tried. I haven't tried the lavender but have heard great things. Once the lime is gone I'll have to pick some up to give it a try.
I am under impression they use pure oils especially their floral and scented
It is my imoresdion they do not use dyes , I sense TOBS and Harris and Maybe GEo Trumper
I have recently been impressed with TH creams.
Actually close to SMN
Better thsn Penhalgion
TH rose and lavendars only thus far

Will get there !
Always seeking the perfect shave, what we are doing is that we enjoy shaving!

Nice day my friebd
I just recieved a bunch of samples including CF Lime. I'm really looking forward to trying it out! It smells quite nice, at least to me.
I have not been impressed by my CF Lime and in another week, it will go up on the BST. I've gone through 4-5 uses and I can't get a decent lather to save my life.

RR and Mike's for me from here on out.
I recently got a tub of CF lime also, and just at a glance you can tell is a great cream. Great cushion and quite slick. I was hesitant to buy such an expensive cream, but I bet that tub lasts me a year. Based on one DE shave with it I bellied up to the computer and ordered the other two fragrances. I'm nervous about the cedar/sandalwood based on reviews I've read. Some reviewers are saying a "hint of peanut butter". I hope my sniffer doesn't pick that up. Can't wait to try using this cream for a straight razor shave.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
For me nothing compares with CF Lavender. I keep using a smaller and smaller amount but I always end up with way too much lather. I'm not sure it's possible to use a small enough quantity of this cream. I also like the Lime, but the Lavender is the best.
CF is a fantastic cream. I use all three although I prefer to use the Lime in warm weather and the Cedar/Sandalwood in cooler weather. The Lavender is so fantastic it gets used all year round. I do use the others from time to time "out of season".


My first tub of CF Lavender lasted nearly two years, due to having been used in rotation with a couple of other creams and soaps (Nancy Boy and Penhaligon's EF). I lived without any CF for the past two years, until last weekend when I treated myself to my second tub.
I didn't need to be reminded of how great this stuff is. Even the superlative performance of both the NB and Pen's products pale in comparison.
I have even added RazoRock Artisan Mughetto di Bologna to my small stash, and it is also a very good soft soap with a fantastic fragrance but Castle Forbes outperforms them all ... easily.
Only with Castle Forbes am I able to do a full four pass shave with zero irritation and barely a hint of sting from the post shave alum block rubdown.
Castle Forbes comes close to being the best product of any kind that I have ever used.
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