You asked for IT....and.... IT is here:
B&B Branded Swag!

We are very excited to announce that members now have the opportunity to purchase B&B branded items at Zazzle. Quite a few items have already been created and are available right now. But to celebrate this grand opening of Badger and Blade's Zazzle store we are going to have a Contest!
Create a design for a B&B T-shirt or an image/slogan that can be used on a shirt, mug, etc. The winning design will be created and featured in the new B&B Zazzle storefront. Get those creative juices flowing - Anything goes (well, almost anything)...

Now the good part.......the winner (as chosen by the B&B Zazzle store committee) will recieve a 50.00 gift certificate to purchase B&B items from Zazzle. In addition, your clever design will be available to members so you'll have achieved a permanent place in B&B history. How cool is that? Yes, way cool!
Some important pointers and contest details:
- Remember, it's B&B...how about something to declare our love for wetshaving, a play on words, whatever... give it your best shot!!!I
- It's B&B's 5th anniversary. Perhaps something to commemorate this milestone?
- Some specs for you graphic designers:
- File formats can be: jpg,ai, png or convertible to same.
- As always the B&B contest rules apply-*
So put on your Thinking Caps. This contest Starts TODAY, August 25th and runs until Tuesday, September 7th (Midnight EDT).
To enter the contest create a 800x600 or smaller copy of your work and post it in this thread.
All entries become the property of B&B, but only for use in the Zazzle store.
GOOD LUCK! I am getting excited as this is going to be one of the more interesting B&B threads for the next few weeks!

**** The final decision on the outcome of all contests rest within the sole discretion of the Moderators and all decisions are final. Any belly-aching or whining will result in an automatic disqualification and removal from any further participation in any other contests.

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