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It hurts so smooth

Going against the grain feels like a curse mixed with a blessing. Yesterday, I had the closest shave of my life (my skin has never been that smooth) by going atg. The only problem is atg often hurts. It's genuinely painful while I'm actually shaving, but after about five minutes my skin feels fine and super smooth as well. ATG is also the only pass in which I cut myself. I can run through wtg and xtg without any nicks at all, but when it comes to atg it's a lost cause. Anyone else have this experience? For that matter, am I one of the only morons that goes atg with a straight?
I'm still pretty new to straights but I do go ATG but it isn't painful for me. Maybe your angle is too steep on the ATG pass. Try making it more shallow and don't use pressure while stretching your skin really tightly.
make sure your WTG and XTG are well executed, if you do not remove the beard well with those you get pretty unpleasant ATG pass. Another reason for uncomfortable ATG would be not sharp enough razor.
You're not alone. I am a moron too. Back when I was first learning how to use my disposable blade straight razor, whenever I went ATG I either cut or nicked myself. My face was all red from bloody nicks. What I've learned is that if you don't shave for a few days it's a lot easier to shave ATG because the skin is healed.

P.S. I like your username and avatar. The force is strong in you.
I'm still pretty new to straights but I do go ATG but it isn't painful for me. Maybe your angle is too steep on the ATG pass. Try making it more shallow and don't use pressure while stretching your skin really tightly.

+1 +1 +1 +1

make sure your WTG and XTG are well executed, if you do not remove the beard well with those you get pretty unpleasant ATG pass. Another reason for uncomfortable ATG would be not sharp enough razor.

+1 +1

Also, I am finding the quantity and quality of stropping makes a big difference. When I hear a change in the sound the razor makes on the leather, I know I'm going to get a smoother shave in all directions.
The usual suspect is blade sharpness. Technique is another but there's one factor that's not discussed too much and that's the quality of the lather. I find that soaps (never used tallow soaps yet) in general work better with DE and creams being more slick work better with str8s. Since str8s are 3 or 4 times longer than DE, they need more lubrication IMO.

Two days ago I lathered with Conk and shaved WTG with a str8 but used lather-less Zirh cream for the ATG. It gave me one of the best shaves I've had with no bad side effects. Lather from Nivea or Weleda creams give me great results as well.
This is just my personal experience but I do not feel a need to do a ATG pass. Instead, I do an additional XTG pass in the opposite direction. OK, I occasionally do an ATG on the sides of my face but that is about it.
1. Get better lather
2. Make sure you are stretching the skin plenty
3. Reduce angle
4. If you're pushing hard enough that the razor ever skips, not only are you risking slicing your throat, but your razor is too dull, your lather is worse than straight water, or your angle is way way off.

If your skin wasn't already irritated, there's no reason ATG should be uncomfortable.

Since your skin is smooth, I doubt razor is dull. Since you DE shave regularly (I assume), I doubt lather is the problem. I say be sure of enough skin stretching and reduce your angle.
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I do ATG everyday... You might need more pratice to make it better...
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