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It finally happened.

I went to shave last night before bed. I was setting everything up before my pre-shave shower, and I just couldn't decide what shaving soap or cream to use... for the first time I was bored with all my flavors. I don't have one of those uber-dens but I have a decent selection, from Proraso to Col Conk, VDH luxury & deluxe, Williams, Cremo, Polmolive, etc etc. Every one I looked at, sniffed, said "Nah" and put it back.

Clearly I need to purchase some more soaps and creams so this doesn't happen again! :scared:

Oh in case anyone was curious I decided on the Tabac Original cream just for the sake of getting on with it. Great stuff, great shave. But man, that's never happened to me... there's always something that calls to me....
haha, I guess that hasn't happened to me. I still have some creams that I haven't used a bunch, but I usually have trouble picking which one I want to use more.
Settle into the 3017 thread and you won't ever have a problem picking which soap or cream to use until its finished!:thumbup:
Go for some niche soaps - QCS, Mikes, or Mystic. They have some interested scents to say the least.

Also, try anything almond. If budget is a major concern almond col conk is nice even though col conk might be boring to you.
It happens. When I first started I was gaga for everything, then one day I just got over it.

I still enjoy great shaves every day, but I've settled into a routine that works, rather than mixing everything up each time.
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