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Ist time: ATT Titan H1

Recevied Titan H1 today (B/S/T) and as it happens was planning on shaving. First impression is a great balanced feel and extremely good looking tool. Loaded a new Feather blade (my preferred). Normal prep, shower, lots of water on face....realized just now that I forgot (?) normal Proaso Pre shave (sensitive), so this may not be a "fair trial" as pre shave is normally part of my routine, Martin de Candre soap and a three pass shave (normal WTG, ATG, XTG). Shave was close, not as smooth as hoped with irritation on neck on one side. Will try again!

Mighty fine looking razor. Just like mine! I get a bit of irritation, too, but not too much and it gets better with practice.
With the H1, I found I liked other blades better than Feathers. For me, a Polsilver Super Iridium, a Med Prep or a Gillette Black all give me a smoother shave. Try a different blade, and remember to be extra careful about pressure, since that is a really heavy razor.

I started with the ATT Titan H1, and now have their Atlas stainless shave system. I'm amazed that such a young company has such high quality and excellent razors. I'm happy you like yours. Their razor offerings are certainly top-notch!
Nice photos, Wagstaff!

Pleased to see my two favorite creams - Spencer & Devon and Nancy Boy - prominently displayed.

Had an amazing shave today with my Atlas H1, a Polsilver Super Iridium and Spencer & Devon cream. 12 hours later, and I'm still BBS. No other razor I've used, even the R41, gave me as close and comfortable a shave.

I'm totally irritation-free, too. That H1 base plate really does require a light touch. I use short strokes and a bit of skin stretching on my neck. Patience and practice does pay off with this razor.

Congrats on a great razor. I have the M1 and Titan handle. The fit and finish of the ATT razor is top notch. I agree that the weight and blade angle equal a shave that is good, but not the smoothest. Zero pressure and a mild blade make for a nice shave though.
Nice photos, Wagstaff!

Pleased to see my two favorite creams - Spencer & Devon and Nancy Boy - prominently displayed.

Had an amazing shave today with my Atlas H1, a Polsilver Super Iridium and Spencer & Devon cream. 12 hours later, and I'm still BBS. No other razor I've used, even the R41, gave me as close and comfortable a shave.

I'm totally irritation-free, too. That H1 base plate really does require a light touch. I use short strokes and a bit of skin stretching on my neck. Patience and practice does pay off with this razor.


Ok, I'll let the cat out of the bag in saying that... thanks to Nick, I have that Nancy Boy replenishing cream, too. Today's shave was the first I'd tried it. Awesome. AWESOME. That's the lather on the Simpson brush in the two photos. I'd considered using the Spencer & Devon with the Vie-Long/horsehair in the other photo (top down) but just went for the new cream, with the new handle, on the ATT H1 head. I took a photo with the Weber DLC as well, since that's what inspired Al to make the Stealth handle. I switched around a bit before shaving. Ended up shaving with the H1 head/Stealth handle, Simpson Colonel with Nancy Boy, Voskhod blade (all of which you see). And indeed the PGS Whiskey after shave. Huge thanks to Nick for hipping me to the NB cream.

Photos show three handles, two heads, two creams, two brushes. First photo has the H1 head on the Stealth handle. That's what I used. Second has the same plus the Weber DLC with the Weber bulldog handle; third has the Weber DLC head with the Stealth handle, and the ATT Titan H1 (not the best picture of the Titan handle, but that's what it is; and top-down photo of a Vie-Long horsehair brush, no idea what model). The Titan I bought used for a very good price from another forum bro.

I was a very grateful shaver, all around, today!
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With the H1, I found I liked other blades better than Feathers. For me, a Polsilver Super Iridium, a Med Prep or a Gillette Black all give me a smoother shave. Try a different blade, and remember to be extra careful about pressure, since that is a really heavy razor.

Nick, I couldnt of said it better myself,. Great minds think alike :biggrin1:
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