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Is this a good deal?

I recently purchased this Aristocrat off of eBay and although I am smitten with this beautiful razor and box I suspect I might have paid more for it than I needed to. I ended up winning this item for $78. Was it worth it?

I am new to classic shaving but I have fallen in love with these classic peices of hardware. I already have a 50's Super Speed red-tip I use for daily shaving and I just had to have this Aristocrat.

I recently purchased this Aristocrat off of eBay and although I am smitten with this beautiful razor and box I suspect I might have paid more for it than I needed to. I ended up winning this item for $78. Was it worth it?

I am new to classic shaving but I have fallen in love with these classic peices of hardware. I already have a 50's Super Speed red-tip I use for daily shaving and I just had to have this Aristocrat.

I have a cased aristocrat that I paid around $18 for ... but yours is in much, much better shape than mine. Especially the case. And it includes a BlueBlade dispenser.

My razor cleaned up to be good enough as a user-grade shaver, but honestly, I've never shaved with it. The case is still looking tattered and worn, though.

But back to your original question ... did you overpay? Yes, I think you did, but not by much. I would expect a razor like that, in such good condition, to be worth around $50~$65.

Don't worry about it, though ... over the course of your RAD, it will even out ... the next razor you get may be a steal.
I recently acquired a 40's style Aristocrat like yours (mine is user grade though), and it is a superb shaver!! How fun with yours. :tongue_sm
I think I already have signs of RAD since I bought three razors off of ebay since Christmas Eve! My wife isn't real happy with me but I am sure she "Just Doesn't Understand" (tm)
Don't worry about it, though ... over the course of your RAD, it will even out ... the next razor you get may be a steal.

I just found out Christmas day that my dad says he has what sounds like 1-9 adjustable Fatboy stored away someplace. I am dying to see that one! What a great thing it would be to give to my son when he is old enough to appreciate it!
I just found out Christmas day that my dad says he has what sounds like 1-9 adjustable Fatboy stored away someplace. I am dying to see that one! What a great thing it would be to give to my son when he is old enough to appreciate it!

Family heirlooms like that are to be treasured. By the way welcome to B&B neighbor!
There will always be someone who paid less,those that paid more probably won't admit it.If you bought it to shave with and you like it,who cares what it cost.
Looks like a beauty! Are you planning to use it or cherish it as a collectible and purchase a user grade one for daily shaving?
Although this is probably in good enough condition to be a collector's item that's not strictly why I bought it. I am not much of a collector so much as a shaver that loves the history and style behind the thing. I bought it to use once in a while, but mostly to look at. I doubt I will ever sell it. I plan to build/acquire a nice glass case to put in the bathroom for storing them as I come across them. Maybe one day my son will appreciate them the way I do. I can only hope...
Thanks for all the great encouragement! It will be a few weeks before it arrives from Bulgaria. I am very excited to try it out and compare to my red-tip superspeed.

BTW, Is there any way to know exactly when my red tip was made? There are no markings on the underside indicating a datecode. The only markings I could find (other than patent pending and gillette) were a plus (+) symbol on either side of the handle on the bottom side of the head.
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