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Is there any real differences between the 40's and 50's super speeds?

I'm looking to get my hands on a ss and wondering if there is much of a difference between the 40's or 50's style and also trying to gauge what a reasonable price is for them in say good-great condition. I've tried searching the B/S/T section but most of the posts are all for WTB's.
Well, there's aesthetics. The look of the 40's is quite different from it's later versions.

If I had to rate the various versions I've tried as all around razors, then I'd rank them thusly:

  1. 40's SS
  2. Red Tip
  3. 40's SS black tip
  4. Flare Tip
  5. Black handle

I've yet to shave with a blue tip, so it's not on the list. I can't detect much difference between the early 40's with no blade notches and the later versions.

The rankings are a combination of how much I like to shave with them and how they appeal to me in the looks department. If I threw out the beauty contest, I could be happy with any of them, but I'd flip a coin between the Red Tip and a 40's SS, and the rest would be about tied for second place.
Any ballparks on general price ranges? I've considered the red tip as well just want to make sure I don't over spend on them. By scanning the trade areas I was able to get an idea on razors like a slim and fatboy before getting them because they're listed fairly often. However I don't see many ss and red tips for sale so if I resort to flea bay I want have an idea what to expect on average to pay for them.
I prefer the 1950's superspeeds. Just personal choice. I think you should check out the B/S/T forum here IMO. I think $20-30 should get you a good one. I'm looking at getting 1 more vintage Gillette off this site.
I could be way off base, but for a razor in nice, but not immaculate shape with no case, I'd expect to pay about twenty bucks for a garden variety flare tip, maybe five bucks more for a 40's SS, and about ten to fifteen more for a Red Tip.

Minty examples with cases should be much higher, and ugly ducks about half if they aren't totaled.

I'm sure people pay more and steal them for less all day long, but these would be averages, and least when I was on the prowl a few months back.
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