Anyone with Apple devices update yet? What are your thougts? I'm getting ready to update mine so we'll see how it goes. I'm expecting it to take an hour (maybe more) since today is the first day. Here goes nothing...
I spent about an hour updating my iPhone 4.
I spent about an hour updating my iPhone 4. I hate iOS7. It is extremely slow and looks awful.
Updated two iPhone 5's and an iPad mini. I'm really liking the new look and features. Lots of neat stuff. Planning on ordering two 5S tomorrow at midnight too. That fingerprint sensor is too cool to pass up. Even SWMBO demanded that I order one for her.
Updated iPhone 5, iPad w/Retina (i always forget the official name), and an iPad 2. iPad 2 has the fewest features, but includes all the major changes i think. I haven't messed too much with any of it yet.
It's my understanding that they should all move around. Its a feature called parallax. Pretty neat. I like that its suddle and not too over the top. If you don't like it there's an option to reduce its effect. I think its under accessibility settings.sadly I am not as impressed with iOS 7 as i thought i would be.
I like the new sounds and ringtones, although I'll just pick one and never change it.
I like the multitasking and the new way to close apps.
Deleting email will take getting used to since you swipe to the left now.
I don't like the keyboard.
I think it is to bright. with almost everything being white background. I turned the brightness way down and that helps.
The swipe up features are great. flashlight, calc., wifi, bluetooth, I really like how you don't have to go in to settings anymore for those. or swipe to the screen to find the calc app.
I dislike more about this iOS than I ever have in any iOS. it just me or do some of the backgrounds move as you move your phone around? specifically the one that looks like a wooden rooftop.
It's my understanding that they should all move around. Its a feature called parallax. Pretty neat. I like that its suddle and not too over the top. If you don't like it there's an option to reduce its effect. I think its under accessibility settings.