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Interesting find....

Yesterday I went to a local antique shop and found an interesting straight. The blade says that it is made by Eagle Brand Cutlery, then the shank says Parker Cut. Co. Surgical Steel and the back side of the shank says Japan. It's a bit smaller than a normal straight, maybe about an inch shorter in total length with the blade being about half an inch shorter than a normal straight. The real neat part though is the scales...

The razor seems to have a thin bronze set of scales with mother of pearl laid over them and two stripes made of abalone on either side and the spacer inside the scales appears to be made of coral. It's a wedge or near wedge and the point is kind of a shallow backwards S shape. I'll post pics later, but I just thought this was a really interesting straight. Anybody know anything about this brand or anything?
Of course I bought it! He had it priced at $70 :scared:
but because he knows me he lets me talk him down in price on his shaving stuff since I'm one of the few people that buy it from him. Usually unless you know him well enough you will get overcharged. He sells Gillette Techs for anywhere from $20-$40 which I think is steep, but his knowledge is limited so he thinks things are worth way more than they are.

I talked him down to $48 for it. Not very much rust at all on it either, it looks almost new, but the inner scales need some work and one of the mother of pearl pieces is starting to come off on one edge.

I also picked up a slim adjustable, a full 2 3/8 oz. bottle of original Shulton Old Spice circa 1970's, and one of the vintage 8 oz. fishing reel bottles of Aqua Velva which was full as well that he claims is from 1955. I'll post the pics after I get some batteries for the camera (the rechargeable ones finally died for good).
Here are the pics...




And here's one for comparison pictured next to my Dovo 5/8 Best Quality.

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