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Interesting Article on the Rise of Cartridges/Disposables

I agree with 90% of his comments, but take exception to his claim that new developments (injector, cart, etc) don't improve the shave.
If you define 'improve' as 'reduced the learning curve, made shaving faster and less likely to cut/irritate your skin', then they did indeed improve your shave.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Good read...SE, DE & STR8 shaving for the win!!! :lol1:

“Life is [like] a razor, you are always in hot water or a scrape”. Anonymous
I agree with 90% of his comments, but take exception to his claim that new developments (injector, cart, etc) don't improve the shave.
If you define 'improve' as 'reduced the learning curve, made shaving faster and less likely to cut/irritate your skin', then they did indeed improve your shave.
There were errors of fact as well as the opinions that aren't fully supported. .The SE razor and the concept of blades that COULD be discarded if you chose to ignore the potential to resharpen them already existed, and shaved better then than the DE was going to ever improve upon, but the author conveniently overlooked that. .

Schick's bladed "manual" razors pre-dated WW2 by a long way; that war did serve to introduce more men to Injector technology, however. .Personally, I had no bias introduced when I chose an SE in preference to DE razors in 1954 (indeed, it was electrics I was having touted as the best). .I remember much of that decision-making process. .I do not know what led to choosing the Injector razor next, although I "sort of" recall trying electric shaving again at age 15 (that hadn't worked at all a year earlier with the initial really soft, really blond colored long peach fuzz). .

At that particular time, electric shavers seemed to be very popular. .All the men in the immediate family had been using them for quite a number of years (my father claimed he never used anything else). .At least a year before starting college, so 16 1/2 or so, I bought a Schick Injector to use. .I can get as good of a shave from my G8 as from any Gillette DE. .I've finally got an "I" model again, although I haven't shaved with that one yet. .

P. S. .I'm not going to edit them all out, but I don't repeat my periods the way they appear above. .I have no idea where all of those came from.

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