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Interesting and lucky find

Ever since shaving, i've always had a nose to see anything that would be practical.

Well i nipped into a shop that sold all manner of wooden objects, and found this little beauty. Im not sure what it's intended use is, but it fits my ti straight just perfect. It's made from bone, that's about all i know oh and it cost me £9 :biggrin1:


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Looks like a bone jewelry box made in India and often sold at curio shops. I haven't seen one that particular shape before.
Looks like a bone jewelry box made in India and often sold at curio shops. I haven't seen one that particular shape before.

Is an interesting piece isn't it, im quite happy with the find, designed for razors or not. :001_smile

It was sold at a kind of curio shop, they had a bit of everything mostly wooded statues, trinkets and other such things.
Ha, ha. LOL. I looked at the pics before I read your entire post and thought the straight was tucked inside it. That would have been a most awesome find!

I'm betting it is made of camel bone. While deployed to the sandbox I've seen quite a few boxes made that way at bazaars.

Nice find. It fits perfect.
It is an incense holder, for storing incense prior to burning. They are also used, by the more "law bending" types, to store a certain greenish skunky plant material... :wink2::wink2:

...not that I would know about such things...
store a certain greenish skunky plant material... :wink2::wink2:

...not that I would know about such things...

Yeesch! and just when I was about to guess it as a cricket box even if it is a bit fancy for fishin' gear. Come to think of it it would make a nice sta... Hey I wouldn't know anything about that stuff either... :001_tongu
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