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Input on loft, WDog Black Badger

Yesterday I bought a piece of Guayacan wood and have turned it into a handle. I will finish it with carnauba wax. I ordered a 24 mm Black Badger knot from Larry. I am looking for your suggestions of a starting point for the loft. I normally do a combination of bowl and face lathering. I have drilled the handle to a depth of 21 mm so I should have a wide range to try.
Your suggestions are requested and appreciated.
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Try and set it around 50mm. That way you can get an idea if you'd like to raise it or lower it for the next one.

Being that its black badger, I'd set it at 50 or more, just because I dont think i could take that much scritch. A high loft would make it less pokey and a little more comfortable to use. YMMV.
The knot arrived today and I have it temporarily attached with a loft of 50mm.


I'll try different lofts before I epoxy it for good. ( this is my first attempt at making a brush. I think it came out well considering I don't have a lathe)
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