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Injector razors

Ive read the wiki on these razors, and I must say I dont really understand them. Ive read quite a few posts of how they are easy to shave with, and are good when you are in a hurry, but that makes them good for this situation? And what makes them easier to shave with? How does the blade attach to the razor? Our local woodmans grocery store has some Schick injector blades for sale, and it looks like they are in some sort of holder. Someone please help. I saw a bakelite Schick injector razor at the local antique store for $12, and it got me to asking these questions.
The injector blade holder slides into the back of the razor and then you can push the injector blade from the holder into the razor which pushes out the old razor blade out at the same time.
It sounds more complex than it is.
The injector heads are not as large as the DE/SE razors and are quite maneuverable.
They give a decent shave but the blades are getting harder to find.
So if you have a local store that is selling a Bakelite handle for $12 pick it up with the blades and give it a try.
If you dislike it, you will get most of your money back selling it on B&B.

Ambrose here on B&B is having a love affair with the style of shaving.
Especially with cut down FEATHER BLADES!!

I have a few injectors and like using them from time to time.


Back before stainless blades came along, I used a Shick injector and the dirt cheap Pal blades. I got a better shave from them than from anything else. The advent of stainless blades made it possible to get several shaves from one blade. As it became more difficult to find the blades, I shifted to various disposables. The one I used for a long time was made for Big Lots by American Safety Razor. It has been discontinued and the replacement sucks. I now use a good Merkur 38C DE.

Yes, get one as you will enjoy it. These things prove the lie to "a thin blade shaves better". The blades are about as thick as the blade for a utility knife.

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