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Injector question

I have recently been collecting some injectors - PAL, Schick. Since they are technically a single edge blade, would you suggest changing them more frequently?
I have recently been collecting some injectors - PAL, Schick. Since they are technically a single edge blade, would you suggest changing them more frequently?

I don't think the number of edges make it have fewer shaves. If anything, the blade is thicker than a DE blade and should last just as long or longer. Some people can get 10+ shaves out of an injector blade.


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I love my injectors - and I get more shaves out of them than a good DE blade - as I do with the SE's. That's a good thing due to their cost .. I have seen more than a couple others here who have received similar extended "mileage", even though, as all things shaving, "YMMV". At one point I got a dozen shaves out of an old Schick Plus Platinum before it started to drag - to calibrate, I throw out Feathers or Sharks at 5-6 shaves.
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I have gotten up to 10 good shaves out of a modern Schick blade, and can count on getting 7. Then again, I have read where other people claim only to get a couple. What it comes down to is that you'll just have to find out for yourself how long they last, but I think it's typical for them to last longer than most DE blades.

Then I've got some NOS 1970s Personna 74s, for which I've read extreme longevity claims. After I've tried them for myself I'll have my own opinion.
I toss DE blades after 3 uses.

I can get at least a solid 7 shaves from an Injector blade. :thumbup1:

All you can do is experiment, and see what their longevity will be for your individual face.
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