OK, I'm thinking of trying to recreate a frankenrazor I saw on ebay a while back (I wish I still had the link). Edit: Found it (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Sch...t-Deco-Ornate-Handle-Nice-Clean-/141054922411).
The bottom half was the ornate handle from the 1912 SE razors. The top half was a Schick Injector; E or G type I think (was goldish in color and had that round disk thing below the razor head).
Can you simply unscrew the handle from a E/G Type Injector and screw a different handle on for a gold-colored all-metal Franken-Injector?
The bottom half was the ornate handle from the 1912 SE razors. The top half was a Schick Injector; E or G type I think (was goldish in color and had that round disk thing below the razor head).
Can you simply unscrew the handle from a E/G Type Injector and screw a different handle on for a gold-colored all-metal Franken-Injector?
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