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Injector frankenrazor idea

OK, I'm thinking of trying to recreate a frankenrazor I saw on ebay a while back (I wish I still had the link). Edit: Found it (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Sch...t-Deco-Ornate-Handle-Nice-Clean-/141054922411).

The bottom half was the ornate handle from the 1912 SE razors. The top half was a Schick Injector; E or G type I think (was goldish in color and had that round disk thing below the razor head).

Can you simply unscrew the handle from a E/G Type Injector and screw a different handle on for a gold-colored all-metal Franken-Injector?
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OK, think the one on Ebay was a Type E; wondering if I can buy an E1/E2 if those handles unscrew. The E1/E2's have tabs on the spring to show that it is moveable and therefore you can clean inside the head, correct?
From looking at my E's and G's they have the handle glued to a stud which is then riveted to the head or it may the handle is glued directly to the head with a trim piece riveted over the join.
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