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Injector blades?

Alright gals and guys, I just bought my first Injector on the B/S/T and now I need to know what kind of blades are any good. I rather enjoy my Personna Israeli DE's but didn't know if the Personna injector blades would be of the same caliber. I'd appreciate suggestions. Thank you!
I just shaved for the first time with an injector today. Used an adjustable (dial).

+1 on the CVS blades. 11 for 3.99 and I got a nice bbs shave.
The Schick branded blades made in China and store branded ones like those found at CVS (I believe they're made by Personna). They're pretty similar in terms of performance. The CVS blades are easy to find brick and mortar but I found their packaging pretty cheap - the injector mechanism is a little fiddly and it's partially made of plastic. The "Chinese Schicks" come in an all metal injector that seems to work a little better.

The "Chinese Schicks" look like this.


Alright gals and guys, I just bought my first Injector on the B/S/T and now I need to know what kind of blades are any good. I rather enjoy my Personna Israeli DE's but didn't know if the Personna injector blades would be of the same caliber. I'd appreciate suggestions. Thank you!
Those of you in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana or Illinois who live near a Meijer store might check out the blades I posted pictures of in this thread:


They appear to be ASR's in Meijer packaging, and are the best deal I have found on injector blades. They have provided fairly quick and easy DFS, if not as close as I can get with certain DE blades in a Gillette adjustable.

I looks like there are only two real choices in injector blades out there, Schicks or ASR's. I've been satisfied with these Meijer ASR's and am not sure I want to pursue the added trouble and expense of going for Schicks.

As always, YMMV.
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