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Initial cleaning/sanitizing of Silver plated razor?

I've got that Canadian Single Ring in bound, and will want to clean it up some before doing the boiling water/baking soda thing. Plus I still need to clean up the silver New Standard I got last week.

Wondering if scrubbing bubbles and a tooth brush (used gently) is safe on the silver plating? If not, I can get Barbicide and soak to sanitize, but what to remove the scum/slime/crust usually found on an old razor? (Scrubbing bubbles has become a great friend in that respect, but is it safe on silver plate?)
Yes, Scrubbing Bubbles is safe as long as the soaking time and scrubbing is not too aggressive. It only takes a few minutes at most for the SB to work on the soap build up.
I've not had any problems using Scrubbing Bubbles on my silver razors. Gently - as AG says. Soft toothbrush, warm water should be enough. I usually spray mine (in a well-ventilated room) and set it in a small plastic bowl and let it soak for a couple of minutes.

Then scrub gently with a soft toothbrush (actually, baby's toothbrushes or dog toothbrushes work well and let you get into the small areas) and warm water.

I have stopped using Scrubbing Bubbles on gold razors. I believe it removes some of the lacquer. Warm water and hand soap work just fine.

After the initial clean up, I only use handsoap and water to keep them clean.
anyone have any tips on removing rust? I just got a British Tech in the mail and there was some noticeable rusting under the head. it's nothing too bad but i'd like to get it sparkling if I can
Here's my rust remover (works on mild rust - probably won't work on thick, heavy rust):

Get an WD-40 Pen. It has a chisel tip that's good for getting in the tight places.

Apply a thin amount with the pen to the rust areas only.

Let set. 1-2 minutes maximum.

Clean off with soft toothbrush and soap or Scrubbing Bubbles.

Most of the time, this gets the rust off the first time. There have been a few razors that needed more than one treatment. And only one razor that's been resistant to it. But I think that's because the "rust" was actually some type of chemical damage.
Thanks Gents, really looking forward to that one. The New Standard, I'm still debating polish or patina...
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