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Ingrown hairs

Hi everybody,

Ingrown hairs, this is a problem that has troubled me not only the beard but principlamente body. My birth by stubbornly embedded, I wonder if someone would have a recipe that was not squeeze ...

I appreciate and look.

Best Regards;
I don't know about on the body but I always got ingrown hairs on my face and neck while I was using cartridges. Since I've switched to DE shaving, I have had significantly less ingrowns. I don't think it's a matter of skin care products but rather shaving technique.
Try a good pre shave..DR Harris Arlington works great..or any other known brand...let it set after a few minutes...
Needle in alcohol. Poke and yank.
Moisturize your face. Kiss my face moisturizer. In shower, post shower, any time.
Noxzema or Trader Joes Tea Tree Tingle in the shower for 3 minutes.
Anything you can do to destroy that cuticle.
Witch hazel post shave. Nivea post shave balm includes it.
I had ingrown hairs on my face in my days with carts. This has totally resolved since I started face-lathering with rather stiff brushes! :thumbup1:
Before DE I used carts and disposables. Great shave mostly but got some nasty ingrown hairs. I used a sterilized needle (actually, it wasn't sterilized, but I know I should have done ....and tweezers. Cleaned them out nicely then a dab of aftershave to clean the wound.

With DE and a brush, I never get them.
I used Bumpfighter razor and cartridges designed to prevent ingrowns. I used this with Aveeno shave cream in can, designed to prevent. I had occasional problems i think when i ocassionally eratically used various 1, 2 and 3 blade disposables and trac ii cartridges.
I then switched to de shaving. First still using Aveeno then some shaving creams with brush.
Using the DE razor (Feather Popular and Gillette Tech) OR the BF razor both work for me. Using the other above-listed razors/blades is looking for trouble, in my personal experience. Using an ointment called Bumpstopper and related lotion was only sometimes effective releasing existing ingrowns and unneeded at preventing new ones if i use the above listed razors. Final note... the shave soaps i use dont have lanolin. Lanolin for some people causes ingrowns since it softens skin and aids the hairs to break through to grow sideways (under skin top level.) I need to make a point i think to avoid soaps with lanolin as it would be incurring a needless risk. If i try soaps with lanolin ie MWF or Stirling and get ingrowns that would be to my own stupidity to take that risk.
To everyone reading this, ingrown hair conditions are a PIA and can be seriously disfiguring and each person's condition and risk with this is different. But the lanolin risk is real, for someone prone to ingrowns (ie me, Ive got thick curly hair) you can google it.
Btw reason i went to de instead of BF was i had trouble getting BF cartridges though i later found suppliers online. The BF razors work but give a particularly lousy shave so de is a closer shave.
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The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Welcome aboard the B & B (besides being enrolled in the fictional, sacred and utopian Order of Shavedom). Please feel free to come up to the promenade / sun deck & 'sit-a-spell'.

Sounds like your off to a great start and
, and on your way to shaving nirvana, yes...this Forum has the knowledge, ideas, and all around 'know-how' to assist in your Wet-Shaving experience. In a nut-shell...your 'gonna' love it here. :w00t:

As an 57yrs man of color (who has been wet-shaving for many, many years), and through 'trial & error' (High-Time and Bump Control didn't do enough for me...and because I found that using a old tooth-brush to ‘gently’ exfoliate my skin was too soft in lifting up ingrown hairs), I've now been using a natural bristle brush (with just the right amount of stiffness too...after lathering-up & 'softening' of my face), the night before and before my morning shaving ritual really improved my ongoing battle with ingrown hairs. :a11:

My prep consists of;

Washing my face with Cetaphil Antibacterial Soap (i.e., by loading my Natural Bristle Brush brush and scrubbing my face for about a minute in a circular motion...works great for ingrown hairs).

Hot washcloth (water), prep on my face for approx 1 minutes (while massaging my face when cool enough to touch),...repeat once.

Then wet face, good lather (I use a Boar Brush),, shave [3 passes - WTG, CTG & ATG [or better put as 'downward, across & upward'] w/ touch-ups), ice cold water rinse, apply aftershave (my choice is vintage Pinaud). :wink:

NOTE: I know that there is sound advice against shaving against the grain (ATG - [i.e., upward]), in combating ingrown hairs (maybe just 'touch-ups' will do for you), or shaving every other day (M-W-F), but you'll have to find your 'sweet-spot' (also, a consultation with a dermatologist may be in order). :blush:

Also, I also found that member Barber-Eile's advice, "If it is just one or two [ingrown hairs are] present, the trapped hair can be gently [lifted], with sterilized tweezers [or needle],. The hair should only be coaxed out from under the skin and not plucked out so as to avoid scarring and possible recurrence", to be of a great benefit. :thumbsup:

"The essence of [shaving] pleasure is spontaneity". Germaine Greer[/FONT]
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