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Indulgence of the Night September 07


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Last night I prepared some classic Japanese fare- eggplant parmigiana. :chinese:

Followed it up with a lovely but unpronounceable coffee from our very own Scotto. :thumbup1:
How about an indulgence of the morning?




Steeped to perfection.....

Lordy this is some outstanding Earl Grey!
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I you could please let us (probably only me) know where you purchased the tea, as well as that interesting infuser.


Earl Grey in the morning?
I thought earl grey was an afternoon tea.
Maybe your blend is stronger than the ones I have tasted.
Either way look like a good cuppa tay.

I you could please let us (probably only me) know where you purchased the tea, as well as that interesting infuser.

The infuser is a Gamila Tea Stick - if you google it, you can find quite a few places to pick one up... unfortunatly I cannot remember where I got mine (I ordered it a few years ago).

The tea is from a tea house in the SF Bay Area called Far Leaves Tea (Click the link and you can shop online at their website). I am a bit of a "tea junkie" and personally feel far leaves teas - especially their Pearl Jasmine are the best quality teas for your money. I purchase teas elsewhere every so often from sources that have better teas, however once you get above the quality level from Far Leaves the price exponentially increases - and at least for me, unless it is a special occasion, or I am having important company over, I never venture into better/more expensive teas than far leaves.

Some of their noteable teas... (in no particular order)

1.) Moroccan Mint - Makes an incredible iced tea!
2.) Earl Grey - Very high quality stuff - VERY rich and well rounded with a warming boquet.
3.) Jasmine Pearl - Great hot, or iced.

Nick is also quite a fan of their teas, and almost always has at least 2 of the three teas above in his panty. My pantry... well... let's just say I have a few hundred :eek:
Earl Grey in the morning?
I thought earl grey was an afternoon tea.
Maybe your blend is stronger than the ones I have tasted.
Either way look like a good cuppa tay.

This earl grey you can smell in the jar prior to breaking the sealed label. It's so strong, it leeches through the container.

Often in Earl Greys (if and when you can find even a half way decent one) when they are strong - they give up a tremendous amount of flavor to be "strong" and end up being pungent and acidic. This Earl Grey, while very potent (it'll smell up the room when brewing) is remarkably soft on ones palate, so it allows you to enjoy the soft/delicate highs of the bergamont ans jasmine in minute detail - yet also has the full flavor, and rich body of the ceylon leaves.

I am not usually a fan of Earl Grey's as even a half way decent one is just so terribly difficult to come upon since it is such a "common" tea - drinkers expectations of Earl Grey are so low - most have never even had a decent Earl Grey (in the US at least) so this tea was a pleasent surprise for me!

The simple fact that I am drinking a black tea (other than a darjeeling) is proof alone, as 99 out of 100 times I drink tea, it's a green or a white.
The infuser is a Gamila Tea Stick - if you google it, you can find quite a few places to pick one up... unfortunatly I cannot remember where I got mine (I ordered it a few years ago).

The tea is from a tea house in the SF Bay Area called Far Leaves Tea (Click the link and you can shop online at their website). I am a bit of a "tea junkie" and personally feel far leaves teas - especially their Pearl Jasmine are the best quality teas for your money. I purchase teas elsewhere every so often from sources that have better teas, however once you get above the quality level from Far Leaves the price exponentially increases - and at least for me, unless it is a special occasion, or I am having important company over, I never venture into better/more expensive teas than far leaves.

Some of their noteable teas... (in no particular order)

1.) Moroccan Mint - Makes an incredible iced tea!
2.) Earl Grey - Very high quality stuff - VERY rich and well rounded with a warming boquet.
3.) Jasmine Pearl - Great hot, or iced.

Nick is also quite a fan of their teas, and almost always has at least 2 of the three teas above in his panty. My pantry... well... let's just say I have a few hundred :eek:

Thank you Joel:thumbup1:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
That tea stick is too cute not to order. I just fear that there's not enough room for oolong leaves (99+% of my consumpton) to properly unfurl.

Better yet, I'll con the old lady into ordering one for herself. :thumbup1:
After a loooooooooong night and day (10p - 10a;then IDT meetings from Noon-3p) and then driving for an hour and 15 minutes to get home, ordered some chinese take-out and 2 snifters of Remy Martin VSOP.


Got any tips on cleaning that tea stick? Doesn't seem to matter what I do to that thing I always have bits of leaves stuck in the thing.
That tea stick is too cute not to order. I just fear that there's not enough room for oolong leaves (99+% of my consumpton) to properly unfurl.

Hmmm... I have used it with some Tie Guan Yin and Lishan and it seemed to work fine. There is a "break in period" whereby you have to learn how to use it just right - and I tend to use a longer brewing cycle with the teastick (which I prefer, as it is a slower steep, thus not as harsh, and a smoother flavor).

There is actually "webbing" on the top of the stick as well, so water moves through the stick fairly well - so if you move it around a bit, and you aren't too generous on the amount of oolog you use, you should be ok.

With a less dense - "lighter" (in weight) oolong, it might not work as well as you desire, as it might not have the capacity to fit enough large (in size) leaves, yet light (in weight) - such as a white tip, or orchid oolong.

My guess is you'd probably be at least 85% satisfied, and it'd see a fair amount of use. While I prefer a bodum clear teapot with built in strainer for oolongs, blooming teas, and well - for a lot of Japanese greens as well - for just a single cup - and the ease/efficiency/lack of mess with the teastick is mighty hard to beat. :smile:

Got any tips on cleaning that tea stick? Doesn't seem to matter what I do to that thing I always have bits of leaves stuck in the thing.

Do you clean it/get rid of the leave when they are still wet - or wait until they are dry?

For small leafed tea - I wait until the tea has dried before I empty the contents of the teastick, and for larger leafed teas, I empty them wet.

I've never really had much a problem with the tea sticking in/on it... might be the tea you are using. :smile:
That tea stick is too cute not to order. I just fear that there's not enough room for oolong leaves (99+% of my consumpton) to properly unfurl.

Better yet, I'll con the old lady into ordering one for herself. :thumbup1:

Agreed. That stick is very cute. Why are you making me spend more money, Joel? Darn this forum! :lol:
The infuser is a Gamila Tea Stick - if you google it, you can find quite a few places to pick one up... unfortunatly I cannot remember where I got mine (I ordered it a few years ago).

The tea is from a tea house in the SF Bay Area called Far Leaves Tea (Click the link and you can shop online at their website). I am a bit of a "tea junkie" and personally feel far leaves teas - especially their Pearl Jasmine are the best quality teas for your money. I purchase teas elsewhere every so often from sources that have better teas, however once you get above the quality level from Far Leaves the price exponentially increases - and at least for me, unless it is a special occasion, or I am having important company over, I never venture into better/more expensive teas than far leaves.

Some of their noteable teas... (in no particular order)

1.) Moroccan Mint - Makes an incredible iced tea!
2.) Earl Grey - Very high quality stuff - VERY rich and well rounded with a warming boquet.
3.) Jasmine Pearl - Great hot, or iced.

Nick is also quite a fan of their teas, and almost always has at least 2 of the three teas above in his panty. My pantry... well... let's just say I have a few hundred :eek:

TMI :biggrin:
How about an indulgence of the morning?

Lordy this is some outstanding Earl Grey!

Joel, where did you get that little gizmo? I have to have one!

Edit: Well I got so excited after seeing Joel's first post, I neglected to read down further and others were equally enthralled with that ingenius device. I will be ordering one soon! Thanks!

Just placed my order!
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