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In praise of the lowly tamp


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Gentle sirs, with all of the threads of late focused on poor pipe smoking and the various packing methods and merits thereof, I thought to myself: perhaps the problem is in the tamp.

Oh, lowly tamp thou neglected of pipe smoking skills! Thou most disregarded and yet ever so important! For a thing well begun will finish well! Let us turn our attention then to the lowly tamp...

What is the purpose of the tamp? Only, to extinguish. The tamp is not really to pack or compress. The charring light is hand in glove with the tamp. The aim of both is to light all of the surface of the tobacco on the top of the bowl, then completely extinguish so that it forms a unified burned layer. Do not apply force! The tamp is not a smash! Merely apply your tamper gently to the surface long enough to extinguish. If the top is not completely charred, I might do two or even three charring lights and tamps until the entire surface is charred. And then, I might put the pipe down for a minute to let the embers completely die before relighting.

Why? Having a uniform char helps the bowl smoke evenly, slowly, and consistently throughout your smoke. As you develop your pipe smoking prowess, you will develop a feel for whether to apply some light pressure while tamping. I find this helps compact the charred top layer and form a more dense charcoal on the top, which in turn yields a more even burn and promotes slower smoking and fewer relights.

But for all of you newbies, for not fear not the tamp! Lightly applied, and carefully administered, it is the start of a good smoke! Take your time. Start your smoke well, and you will finish well. Tamp away fellow pipe travelers!
One other tip, if the bowl seems to be going out, give a gentle tamp and then either put a thumb or index and middle finger over the bowl leaving just a small gap and draw on the pipe. It'll create a venturi effect and you can sometimes bring the ember back to life. If not, just relight it and keep on truckin'!
Thouest makes great sense. I feel my smoking experience will improve from your humble words. My gratitude is yours wise master of the smoke!
Thou art a mensch for that post! Alas, some squires doth not know that to lighteth thy pipe, thou dost need two separate lights. The char light and verily, the second light, which doth not have a proper name methinks, but is the light by which thou shall proceed to smoke said pipeweed and become a knight of the Brown Leaf.
I just had a bowl after reading this.. I think I can save a bunch of matches by using my tamper more often and more effectively. I especially noticed how much it helped out the last half of the bowl.. I'm guilty of tossing the last third way too often, but with some careful tampin' I was able to enjoy (almost) the whole bowl. I'm still shocked at how much technique is involved in pipe smoking. I know my best bowls of tobacco are way out in front of me.. until then, I'll just keep on tampin'
one needs to tamp, it causes a nice blanket of ashes above the ambers, almost like the "cover the chamber" method, if i did not tamp it would suck too much air
This has been some great advice! Just smoke a wonderful bowl that was made almost near perfect by employing all of your suggestions! I only had one relight for a 90 min smoke. Thanks gents!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Thou art a mensch for that post! Alas, some squires doth not know that to lighteth thy pipe, thou dost need two separate lights. The char light and verily, the second light, which doth not have a proper name methinks, but is the light by which thou shall proceed to smoke said pipeweed and become a knight of the Brown Leaf.
For some reason, your post reminds me of the reading of the directions for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
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