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Importance of a Face Map...

I started DE shaving last September. The first month, my chin and throat always had nicks and redness on them. The nicks went away the 2nd month through patience and practice and reading the B & B posts - but a red line of burn at the bottom of my throat that went from ear to ear would always remain present. I tried pre-shave oil, witch hazel, after shave balm and an array of different razor blades; I started with Dorco, then moved to Wilkinson then tried Derby’s. I only own a Merkur HD and use Bigelow shave cream in the green tube.

The 3rd month I read about Kyle’s Prep in the newbie thread and the shaving went 75% better. I still had irritation on the throat area, just less. In terms of hair growth, I always assumed that my beard grew in the same direction for each quadrant. I finally decided to make a face map. I skipped a day of shaving so I could see the way each hair grew and discovered that my assumptions about my beard growth were way off.

I taped my face map on the inside of my medicine cabinet (which is on the left wall so I could see map and mirror simultaneously) and shaved WTG, XTG and then ATG. I noticed a major improvement.

Just a personal observation I thought I’d share with a group that has helped me tremendously.
I still haven't personally mapped my face but I think knowing this would easily create the best shave. Adjusting to each spot in its own right has to create the closest shave imaginable.

I think now that I'm confident in my technique, I'd probably still improve if i could map my face. But sadly it seems the hairs grow every which way even in the same area.
When I started with a DE this was the best advice I got from B&B...with the most immediate results. My neck in particular has some very varied growth patterns, shorter strokes going WTG virtually eliminated any irritation.
I tried to map my face and neck when I started DE shaving 2 months ago. Whilst my face down to the jaw line was simple, I was finding the neck area so irratic that when I tried WTG, XTG AND ATG, it resulted in the most uncomfortable shave ever. I find that so long as preparation is good, a 3 pass shave, N/S, E/W AND S/N followed by a touch up does not irritate my skin. I know everybody is different but that routine works fine for me. It has also resulted in a faster shave too for work day mornings when time is short.

Welcome to B&B :w00t:

The lower part of my neck, along the collar line has always been a shaving issue for me. I feel that comfort is more important than a DFS or BBS shave in that area, kind of like riding the fence or deciding the road to follow. I will get as much as possible along the collar line on the neck, but if it feels at any time like that area will become more irritated if I continue, I just forgo the DFS and BBS and enjoy the CCS there, focusing on the DFS & BBS for the remaining majority.

As for mapping the face, I section my face into quarters, intersecting at the chin and jaw line works best. Similar to guenron’s post on The Four Pass Shave

I take my first WTG (N/S) pass in all 4 quadrants going as low on the neck as comfortable, then wet my hands and wipe whatever leftover soap is there leaving a thin film coating and feeling the remaining whiskers… aka faceturbation. :wink2: Then lather up for the second pass, where on the face I use a XTG (E/W) pass and an ATG (S/N) pass on the neck, starting down as low along the neck / collar line as possible. Again, faceturbate some more to find the last few rough spots.

At this point I would determine if I can just stop with a CCS or go with a third pass to get a DFS, where the third pass is normally a mixed X/ATG (SW/NE & SE/NW) on the face and the opposite on the neck with a NW/SE & NE/SW pass. Always working toward the centerline.

For me this process gives me DFS every day without the concern for red irritation along the collar line, and if I want a BBS, I will rinse after the third pass, squeeze the remaining soap from the brush and hand lather like I use to do with canned goo. The final pass will engage the ‘Advanced Techniques’ Mantic tells about, J-hooking, reverse J-hooks, buffing, slides…

To make a long story perfectly endless… I believe using some form of the four pass shave that best suits your needs covers most angles and is just as effective as mapping your face, without having to think about which area grows which way.
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I only recently observed the growth of my stubble and paid a little more attention in working on a 3 pass shave (WTG, XTG & ATG) and my shaves have improved out of sight.. Needless to say, I haven't looked back!
I had a very similar erudition. Just when i thought i knew my grain pattern...a close look in the magnifying mirror and i'd learn something new (esp bottom of neck and Adam's Apple, Up, down...sideways?). Haven't drawn a map, but i've learned to really mind the intricate grain changes.
Since I figured out my face map my shaves have been sublime!

Another thing I discovered is that with a better understanding of your hair growth you can get a livable shave with almost any set up...you will have to adjust your technique of course but it is doable.

I went back and revisited blades that used to do nothing for me and with a bit of patience and understanding of your face map you can pull off an OK shave.
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